Showing Highly Rated Posts By Isarii.2804:

BW3 Difficulty Nerf [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Isarii.2804


As anyone who participated in the previous beta weekends has probably noticed, there has been a severe nerf to the power of the NPCs in this weekend’s BWE, and the result is absolutely horrible.

While we used to have to actually pay attention to the mobs to stay alive, the content this weekend is the same “turn brain off, apply face directly to keyboard” difficulty level as the vanilla GW2 world that we were promised would not be repeated. I honestly can’t believe this was in the works while ArenaNet was at TwitchCon telling us how game-changingly difficult the Heart of Thorns overworld content would be with a straight face.

Please revert this change. It’s horrible. While it realistically isn’t enough for me to go about cancelling preorders, it’s extremely disappointing and makes me far less excited for Heart of Thorns than I should be. It’s not a game if you can’t lose it, and right now, you can just stand wherever you want, in every single telegraph, for as long as you want, and the game still probably punish you for it.

Please revert combat difficulty to at least where it was in BWE1 or 2. If anything, it should be more difficult than 2, not less.

Colin has confirmed that the change was unintentional. Praise be!

Hey folks,
Coming out of beta weekend two we were really happy with the over all open world difficulty. The only exceptions were that the wyvern was way too easy and didn’t scale well, and mushroom stompers were a little much. Thats all that should have changed for bwe3 – we will have to look into what the issue is here to find out why its being perceived kitten much easier. Simple version: we also liked bwe2 difficulty.

(edited by Isarii.2804)