Showing Posts For Isen.1692:

Low Damage != Fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Isen.1692


Why do you assume the Might nerf was intended to be PVP only? That’s a pretty significant assumption

See blocked/blacklisted players in LFG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Isen.1692


I suggest that similar to the same function of being able to see guild members currently in an LFG group, rather than to join a group with someone we cannot communicate with (or don’t even remember blocking, for that matter), we should also be able to see blocked players (highlighted in red or another colour).

For privacy reasons, the name of the blocked person could probably be omitted. I believe that it will lead to better usage of the function and players can make the choice of whether to ultimately join the party anyway. The indication at least informs them that they’ve blocked one of the party members and may not be able to hear them.

[NA][PvX] Knights of Ares [ARES]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Isen.1692


In Dragonbrand, looking for a guild with a little more activity. Oceanic but fairly erratic game hours.

[OCE/SEA] Singaporean Players LFG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Isen.1692


I have a few SG friends looking for a guild to socialize and play in. May be willing to transfer if absolutely necessary- we’re currently located in Dragonbrand atm but not that keen on changing.

Looking mostly for a mid-large sized active guild in the OCE/SEA timezone, preferably SG/MY centric.