Showing Posts For Ishtar.4375:
Hi there!
couple of days ago i was jumping and other kittenery in the mistlock sanctuary, when i came across all these lines of text on each tiles of the main platform (picture attached). I was wondering if any of you where aware of this and if so, I would be very interested in what it would say.
hope you all enjoy!
of course, it wouldn’t be enough to just upgrade to a newer version of directx. there would need to be a way for the game to actually utilize the gpu more, its a shame that i didn’t really notice a big improvement by upgrading my gpu. the game has such a potential to look awesome, would just be nice to be able to reach that potential.
It is allot of work, but it wasn’t optimal when they made the game, and most certainly not currently. As it is, i get rather unstable frame rates, 80 on the high end, 20 or maybee in the single digits in worst cases, i think this is unacceptable. If the game isnt able to run on those settings stable, then why bother putting in extra time and efford to implement them in the first place?
can we please get directx 11 or 12 support in the next expansion?
this was talked about a few years back, but still haven’t seen any talk about it lately. i do think this is a feature that would help allot with frame rates for the people that actualy have good computers but cant push further than 70 fps even tho their system is capable of it. (70 fps is measured in optimal circumstances and settings on high i7-6700k gtx 1080)