Showing Posts For Ithilai.5142:

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


@Cercie: The “guild up” thing isn’t even reliable, as my guild was very much divided last night and “join in X” when partying didn’t even work. “Join” -seems- to work now, but I’m not sure if that’s just a fluke or if they actually fixed it.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


Mega server crap has already become frustrating in Ebonhawke. We seem to be sharing our “instance” of the map with a French server that has RPers on it. These RPers obviously spend time in Ebonhawke with their own guilds, plots, characters and server RP history. This is going to get awkward fast. Not to mention we’ve already had phasing problems that divided the guild in two and “Join in X” didn’t even work until this morning. And this in a zone like Fields of Ruin that wasn’t even supposed to be affected yet. What gives?

Thank you so much for your innovation and progress, ArenaNet. Truly, the future of MMORPGs is upon us. One can only hope that future IPs follow suit, since it works so well.

Oh, and a time limit on the town clothes “costumes” so we have to keep re-applying it and get showered in confetti? GENIUS! It was already brilliant that we lost all customizability, this is just the icing on the cake.

Roleplayers actually bought your miniscule selection of town clothes, you know, ArenaNet? Now we’re practically forced to take up a precious character slot to make a same character alt, especially if you’re a heavy armor user and RP with that character. So if you want an even slightly laid back look, you have to make a medium/light character alt with the same appearance and name. What on earth possessed you to do this?

Your complete disrespect for us roleplayers is pretty shocking. You have an MMORPG (it’s in the name, see?), there are bound to be sub-groups of roleplayers in your game whether you want there to be or not. We paid for this game. We spend hours on it day in and day out. We play through your content just like everyone else, and buy skins and knick-knacks off your gem store. We do not deserve to get treated like second-rate citizens in a game we paid for, having all -our- needs and wants completely ignored or, even worse, have our needs and wants ripped away. Would it really impact your game so much to keep town clothes and customizability? Would it? I doubt it.

You don’t have to cater to us to respect and acknowledge us.

Edit: And another thing! It’s pretty telling that in your list of “feedback” threads, this one or one even remotely dedicated to anything but PvP/WvW doesn’t exist.

(edited by Ithilai.5142)

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


Come on, devs, will you please fix this issue already. I’m sure it’s not very challenging and you’ve had the exact same issue before, as evidenced in this thread. And almost immediately fixed, I might add.

This is getting embarrassing. And extremely annoying. You have a sizeable roleplaying playerbase, you know? This stuff is actually important to us.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


No, it’s bugged for me too (human).

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


It’s a game bug, so yes, I think it should be immediately included with the hotfixes they did last night, for instance. If it was a WvW fix you’d want it right away. I’m a roleplayer, this actually really bothers me.

Was unaware that bumping was against the rules, I do apologize for that.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142



Which is why I was hoping they would catch this (considering the half a dozen posts about it) and fix it quickly. They’ll certainly know how by now.

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142



Waves at an ANet rep

Whispers dye bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


Bumping this.

Come on, ANet, there’s at least half a dozen threads about this issue. Please pay attention to it, it should be a quick and easy fix (since you’ve done it before, eh?).

Cannot Dye OoW-Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


Having the same issue. Posted a separate topic, as I sadly didn’t go through all the posts in bugs. Adding it here if anyone/ANet people want to look:

Whispers dye bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


Whispers Boots - daggers now red?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


I didn’t know exactly where to put this, since I don’t know if this is a bug or intentional. Sorry if it’s in the wrong place, feel free to move it.

Earlier today, I bought the Whispers Boots from the Order of Whispers armor vendor. The daggers on the outer side of the boots were then a silvery steel color, perfectly acceptable for a bladed weapon.

Now, after the patch, I put the boots back on (they were to be part of my new RP set), and the daggers are completely red. They look like plastic toys. There is no option to change the dye color of that part of the boot. I’ve added screenshots of the boots (sorry about the angle in the first one – I didn’t know I’d have to use it in this context) where you can rather clearly see the difference in color of the dagger attachment, as well as one that proves I haven’t accidentally dyed them.

I’ve asked others to preview the boots. It shows up with silvery daggers for most of them, with one or two people reporting them as the red you see in the screenshot.

Now, I’d love for an Arena Net rep to tell me whether this is a deliberate change. If yes, I’d like to know why on earth you thought it was a good idea to make a weapon look like a plastic toy.

I’d also like to know if others have the same problem (yes, it is a problem for me), if you’ve figured out a way to make them stop being red, or if you’ve seen it written anywhere that this is an actual change I have to live with.



CoE, Bjarl the rampager bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ithilai.5142


Yeah, this just happened to our group as well (Piken Square EU). Reported to the GW2 wiki because that’s serious BS. Some of us want to do other stuff than spamming the content along with five bajillion other people.