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in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Izanagi Takumi.6972

Izanagi Takumi.6972

I am so excited about the expansion pack, something sets me off about experience beyond level 80.
Things I am looking forward to. Plus hopes for that.
1) Mastery.
For the longest time I have been wanting something beyond the level cap of level 80 (I always thought it was an odd place to stop.) and now we can do more. The idea of an improved Mastery system will hopefully keep me playing.
2) Maguuma.
Okay, so more map = more fun. I was hoping for expanded territory like Northern Frostreach or the Humans home-world. But alas Maguuma shall do. Of course I hope the new boss battles are challenging.
3) Specializations.
I have always thought that the class professions were quite limited in what you could do. (Especially if you hate crafting like I do) However this seems to be promising. Speaking of specializations.
4) New Profession: Revenant
“Channel legendary powers to slaughter foes and unleash chaos on the battlefield with our brand new profession: the revenant. Enter the field of battle heavily armored and equipped with the otherworldly powers of the Mists.” Woah. Not much has actually been revealed on that. Much mystery, such hush-hush. Still, I hope it’s fun. My biggest hope is that Revenant isn’t easily acquirable, (and I DON’T mean paid) otherwise EVERYONE will use it.
Time to get back to the way GW1 was like! Finally a place where we can meet! Hopefully it’s like it was in GW1.
6) PvP and WvW.
Well hopefully PvP is improved, I was rather bored with it beforehand as there wasn’t much to it. The description is promising though. And WvW was fun to begin with, so let’s if it is even better!

I eagerly await the release! I am saving up my pennies for it right as we read and comment on these forums!