Showing Posts For JGonspy.7964:
As nice an idea as this guild was, it doesn’t seem to be the solution we were hoping for. I got in fairly early (I’m even in that short clip of the first as Agent of Shield), and while I’ve met some really great people, this PVP season has still sapped the life out of me and killed all interest I have in the game.
I don’t know what my exact losing streak is right now, but somewhere around 20 games in a row seems about right. Quite a few of those involved teaming up with people in this guild, and while I’m aware there’s no barrier for entry, it only takes a few poor sports to ruin the atmosphere, and it still hasn’t solved the problem of afkers and dcs.
Ultimately I think this whole season is a bust. While I was hoping to progress in the achievements, and maybe improve as a guardian while I’m at it, I don’t see how I can possibly get out of sapphire aside from getting a few lucky win streaks. There isn’t enough time to improve to the level I’d need to, and it’s hard to learn how to improve while getting stomped repeatedly. This last week of pvp has been my worst experience in the game over the last three years.
Standing in line to use an item that requires pointless grinding of enemies. The more time I spend waiting to actually play this boss the more I wonder why I play this game at all.
And of my deaths to this boss today, 90% were a result of some lag and being hit by something nowhere near me. I don’t know, maybe a separate instance would have helped? Though if you did that would we completely miss the awesome line simulator, and we can’t have that.
As a ranger who has been playing since the head start, and one has stuck with one ever since, it’s a bit frustrating seeing that the problem with pets has yet to be addressed.
It’s already been mentioned by other people in this thread, but I also wanted to add that having such fragile and useless pets makes rangers at an increasing disadvantage. The tougher content gets, the more useless we seem when a chunk of our DPS vanishes in the opening seconds of a long boss fight. As much as I like the idea of a pet, I’d rather not have one if it means sacrificing most of my attack power.
My main weapon is the longbow, and while I like the idea of having a massive range to attack with, there are just too many situations where controlling space in a battle isn’t a viable or doable option.
Switching to my greatsword is embarrassing, especially compared to other classes that use the same weapon. I understand rangers shouldn’t be the best class for swordplay, but is it too much to want to be the best class that uses a bow?
I don’t give much time for the other weapons because I find the skills subpar. I may have missed out on one or two nice combos because of a lack of serious experimentation, but where I feel like I have options with most other classes, my ranger has a very narrow set of strengths, and even those aren’t terribly exceptional.
Instead of fixing the pet icons, I’d sooner see some kind of practical change to the ranger class.