Showing Posts For JLBernardes.3048:
I’ve been visiting the place for 3 days now with my Norn and I haven’t seen the event trigger or been able to use the cowtapult in all this time. With my Charr it happened fairly often, so that’s weird. I’m in Tarnished Coast, by the way… Is it a server-specific glitch, maybe?
My male Charr thief’s pistol and dagger, when “holstered”, almost always clip through most of his leather coats that are on the longer side… Does this count? I can’t get a screenshot right now since I’m still at work, but it happens pretty consistently with a lot of different weapons and armor…
Playing my pistol/dagger conditions thief sometimes feels a bit too safe (not too easy, since to stay safe I do a bunch of stuff, but it’s not hard either and I do stay safe).
The auto-attack pistol damage is on the low side, but all other skills with this weapon combo do ok damage (which I supplement with power, and lots of conditions and condition damage).
Throwing the ricocheting off-hand dagger makes sure that up to 4 enemies will stay away from me all the time while I move around shooting at them, since they are kept permanently crippled (and take decent damage and a ton of conditions from the dagger and my poisons and all). If one closes in anyway, I can Shadowstrike with the dagger to do some nice damage and shadowstep back while saving my endurance.
If some ranged foe is giving me trouble I can apply vulnerability with a Body Shot, close in nearly instantaneously to Steal from them (poisoning them and getting boons while I’m at it), use whatever I stole, cloak-and-dagger for some nice damage (and stealth and shed aggro) and follow it up with my stealth attack unloading my pistol at them for very nice damage. If it’s still alive after that and if I don’t want to stay in melee, I can do the Shadowstrike moving back thing again.
And after doing all those things and instant shadowstepping back and forth, I will still have all my endurance left for dodges when needed, my heal to get back some hp AND to Stealth me (allowing more delicious pistol unloading), or Thieve’s Guild to call in a couple buddies (pistol/pistol and dagger/dagger) to help me out for 40 seconds…
I even have a trait that lets me leave caltrops behind every time I dodge, but I haven’t bothered to use that one yet since there are other good options and the dagger throwing is already great at keeping things away (though the caltrops-dodge should be great for when I use the shortbow – which I only do in group events if I want to obliterate swarms of enemies quickly).
With all that, I’ve been defeated or even downed very little going from level 1 to 45… Mostly when I carelessly let initiative (and all my ways to get it back) run out and can’t do the dagger throwing for a while (foes would close in and pound me) or when I fought more than 4 hard-hitting enemies at my level or, usually, above (one would eventually catch up to me when I was out of dodges/shadowsteps and put me down with a couple thwacks). And I’m pretty sure there are plenty of better thief players and builds out there…