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PvP is completely unaccessible

in PvP

Posted by: Jabloko.7039


For someone who is not experienced in the art of the GW2 PvP, it is simply a punishing experience, I am honestly having a hard time even damaging my opponents. And I played a ton of mobas which is at least somewhat similar, but it seems to be irrelevant. I cannot damage my opponents, or at least not more than for a few strikes until they turn around and mop the floor with my face.

Could somebody please tell me when they introduce a matchmaking system so I can try again? It seems like a bad joke in it’s current state.

Has PVP always been so manic?

in PvP

Posted by: Jabloko.7039


Warrior with longbow??? I don’t get it. How can a big dude with a ton of health and a ton of CC be worthless? Do they not have tanks in this game?

And generally speaking I never follow the ‘meta’ in any game I play. I actually hate the word. But why would you play a Warrior with a longbow, that doesn’t make any sense.

Has PVP always been so manic?

in PvP

Posted by: Jabloko.7039


Hello, I haven’t played GW2 in about 2-3 years now, I got it when it came out then at one point I had to move and just forgot about it (new place had no internet).

So now I’m trying to get back into PVP. I remember that I was playing a Norn Warrior with a ton of tankiness, and as much CC as I could possibly squeeze into this guy.

However, in PVP:
Nobody is where appear to be… The biggest mission is to actually find the right guy and hit it. Everyone just seem to be blinking around, turning invisible and teleporting to the other side of the map and stuff. However, once you do hit them, they are immune to everything I do. 7 out of 10 times my skills either miss, get evaded or the enemy is immune to them. I also do 0 damage.

I don’t remember this playstyle being so unsuccessful. It’s true that I forgot everything, and even if I remembered, everything has probably changed ever since, but come on, I did not expect PVP to be so punishing. Isn’t there a matchmaking system or something?

Sorry for the rant, I’m just not sure what is wrong.