Showing Posts For Jackknife.1025:

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: Jackknife.1025


In warhammer you could see who was tearing it up, from kill spam and mods to track it.

Well, you ain’t in WAR. You’re in GW2.

Sort of weird to go to a new game and expect what you were dealing with in a completely separate MMO. Warhammer’s team had a different vision of PvP. Guild Wars was probably intended to focus on guilds, not individual names for glory. Hence why 90% of the content is focused on guilds.

Kaineng hippocrits kinda funny

in WvW

Posted by: Jackknife.1025


Everybody’s the best until they’re beaten, everybody’s a killer until they “weren’t really trying,” and it’s completely illogical for one server to fight another in a free for all when the victim is YOUR server.

Talk is cheap. That goes for us too, Kaineng.