Showing Posts For Jademei.1278:

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jademei.1278


This is still a problem. I don’t understand why the developers are so quiet on this. It has been a year (almost?) since this was brought up. That is an eternity in the world of mmos.
What fun is there in begging people to help with dungeons? That is the opposite of enjoyment.

I think a Looking For Group option would be great. At least it would make the process smoother, instead of having to ask random strangers passing by or spamming up the general chat.

As for rewards, I really have no idea. But the game needs a smoother way to find a group. Currently it’s horribly antiquated and not at all well designed.

How hard can it be to implement this kind of feature, for people who are expert at programming and implementing functions? It’s a cakewalk! Prioritize here please. Please focus some resources on getting this thing fixed and we can all go back to enjoying the game again.