Showing Posts For Jake Steel.7419:

How to Play Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jake Steel.7419

Jake Steel.7419

I liked that read, and I agree with a lot of it. I’ve got some friends I could show this to, to get them out of the dual dagger and greatsword/rifle combos.

And I agree that just because a developer says “Play your way” doesn’t mean “We’ll make the game so easy anyone can do anything”. There are some people who want challenging PvE content, and they can get it through the dungeons. If someone doesn’t like a challenge, their is plenty of PvE content to experience besides that.

Guild suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jake Steel.7419

Jake Steel.7419

These are just a handful of ideas I’d like to see implemented for guilds that I think would help improve the experience.

  • Broadcast MoTD: I feel that as of now, the MoTD is too easy to be overlooked. This might only occur in my guild, but no one in there has ever even seen the message. All I ask is for the message to be broadcast on two occasions: 1) whenever a player first logs on and 2) whenever the message is changed. Of course an option should be added to disable the broadcast as well.
  • Guild Stats Tab: Not something I think is necessary, but I think it would be neat. It could display certain information that could be important to managing a guild, like average Influence gain, active members, and recent activities performed by guild members. Not only would this help with guild management, but it could be used to find the strengths of your guild. Maybe even give guild leaders the option to display whatever data they think is relevant.

These are just two ideas I think are neat, and I know there are others out there. If anyone has a suggestion of their own, post it in this thread and I’ll add it to the list.

Greatswords? Not that great, imo

in Warrior

Posted by: Jake Steel.7419

Jake Steel.7419

I think the reason the Greatsword is so popular is for the same reason Warriors in general are so popular; they’re the easiest to use to generate a lot of damage.

And I’m sure both skills 3 and 5 help with travelling…