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General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Janek.2649


How did a thread like this managed to get upvoted in Casual-Reddit? Amusing

Ikr? the comment section makes me want to rip my eyes out.

[Fractal Changes] Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Janek.2649


I thought, “Wow, they really did start listening!”, but then looked closer.

10/10. Would read again.

skips lightheartedly back to DA:O, whistling a cheerful tune

Indeed I really hope that this will happen. It looks pretty flawless, in a way.. if anything, something to really look forward to, as a thing. It would really open up the game again and bring back the joy of gw2 altogether ! I beg for consideration !

Consider everyone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Janek.2649


Thanks for the replies. I was hoping to avoid this, but that was just a joke.
First of all ‘’role-playing’’ can mean a lot, not just actual tea party and storytime roleplay, which it has become and people know it for. Role play can be , play a role of a character and the rest is up to you. The rest, I hope, you see for yourself.

Second of all, there’s no littering because I am just stating the obvious down sides, which, yeah may not be as well put, but it still says a lot and my ’’whinning’’ is simple because as a huge tester of the product itself (more than most) it hurts to see that all the previous ideas and support given are being turned down.

Third of all, rewarding. Yeah I didn’t say that that it’s bad, but to be rewarded as equal ? as well as the RNG , which makes it even that more unfair? you must be blind to think otherwise, that the system is flawless. Because here you have the ones who don’t play much and are getting nothing too, as well as the ones who really love the game and due to themselves much rather play all day.

Fourth , I did say, that if this is the case, they should’ve advertised that BEFORE they released the game. Instead it was told that it has a variety of everything. And I am only trying to help here, with a bit of annoyance, since it’s been going on for so long. I don’t see you @Khadez, saying anything reasonable at this point, only stuff that’s pretty obvious to me, therefore no need for it. You should grasp this and actually consider it would do a lot better. And personally, I believe, if you were to go and ask every individual, if the game is well maintained? it would mostly be no, so no, the game is not considering everyone, EVEN due to all the ideas and support.

Fifth, it seems pretty constructive, considering I just bumped out a lot of flaws of the game, so doing the opposite would be the content I want, no? silly

And sixth, if you consider one patch for one batch of people every year that doesn’t get polishing after it’s released? then that’s a very very very bad mistake. I don’t know about you guys, but there are a lot of people who like to enjoy the depth of the content a lot more than you (judging from poor replies) , but sadly there’s not much depth to begin with.
Fractals was an amazing idea. They really went up a step there, but what happened after that? we are now stuck with tiny repetitive content ( no the few recycled maps don’t count.. come on) , RNG on rewarads, where as again, the ones that play less, may obtain fractal greatsword , where as I, who did countless runs (personal annoyance) , got nothing. Pretty cool, I know.

Wurm, seriously? It’s a zergfest like 80% of the new content, which I don’t think majority if fond of, but has to participate because they still want to get at least something from it. Poor rewards as usual, blues, greens, yay .

Tequatl, same as wurm

TA path, was a cool concept, but pretty sad in the end.. as usual, bad reward.

Marionette, worse than Wurm and Tequatl , all which is zerg zerg zerg zerg, repetitive, repetitive, poor reward, roleplay.

Battle for LA, was a nice addition.

EOTM, alright?

Gauntlet, which got recycled.. pretty poor as well

Yeah, they did consider everyone, I suppose I should’ve been more accurate and said that I wanted Anet to target hardcore players more? I apologize for that, but in the end.. all this content is very poorly throught-through and managed, which you cannot deny.

Consider everyone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Janek.2649


Can we please get that ? we’ve been living with 8 very easy dungeons (that are getting repetitive), tiny fractal levels (that are getting repetitive) and pathetic RNG on all the rewards, including precursors, very boring way of obtaining money and the fact that a lot revolves around crafting is sad too. Also the fact that players who don’t play at all, can be rewarded AS EQUAL as the players who put HOURS and HOURS worth of work into whatever they’re trying to achieve.. seems very fair. Honestly very low skill cap and idea for players who want more than just roleplay, which is what you are giving us every single kitten update for the past two years. And I understand that it might not be as easy as I think, but not even a single thought is being put into this, that’s what’s the most ridiculous thing.. so mad.

And I know it’s ’’f2p’’ and things tend to go slow or something? but come on. Every patch is consisted of pathetic tooltip updates and roleplay? Do you, as designers ever ask yourself what are you doing before you apply something like that? Personally, I would feel really REALLY bad, giving something so empty to YOUR community, community you’ve created and possibly got a lot of support from already as well. Then again, considering all the ignorance towards multiple other posts (probably this one too) that has been shown.. it’s just sad.

And if your vision at ArenaNet is to fill the dreams of all the ’’casual’’ players as you seem to be doing now and make it just one story of an MMO without taking care of the remaining 50% of the content, which is soon becoming 0%? Then so be it, it seems to be making you happy. BUT just so you know, that was a pathetic move. Because you should’ve advertised that BEFORE releasing your product, not after. I know that doesn’t matter, I’m rambling now and it’s business and life, therefore, well played I suppose.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Janek.2649


We did CoF and SE and . In CoF I got 60 – 2nd route and 30 – 3rd route (first time of the day ) , while my friend got 15 / 2 / 6 – 2nd route (happened when we did it 3 times in a row ) and 6 again when we did 2nd route (which is very frustrating) . Then in SE I got 60 – 3rd route and 45 – 2nd route (again first time of the day ) .