Showing Posts For Jarlax.3691:

Balancing the class with some improvements.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jarlax.3691


Not trying to troll, I read a lot of posts like this and tend to think your really not supposed to play like the traditional dot casting necro. As an example, I use staff and dagger/ horn. I am still not full exotics and hit for 900-2k staff auto attack 1-2k mark are Welsh just kitten and with daggers I’m getting 900-1500×3 and 3-4k bite finishes auto attack.

MAJOR inconsistency with dagger mainhand

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jarlax.3691


I havent played much of the other classes, but the amount of dammage I can put out single target with dagger I am happy , coupled with DS 2 as a gapcloser and warhorn 5 right after for cripple+poison while they are in melee range add in the dagger 3 root and plague blast. Personally, i can deal with staff only AoE, makes your weapon swaps really mean something and a buff in one area may mean a nerf in another later down the road. I would just like our current stuff “working properly” before I will say that I want anything extra.

DS only really great if you spec into it...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jarlax.3691


I don’t think so, I have created a 30 point DS build and to be honest untill our vampiric traits are fixed like +50% increase to healing etc, Its not beefy enough to do things like heal in area when leaving DS on a 5 second cooldown, using fast dagger attacks to build life force.

But what I have found it usefull if offensive and defensive strategies in WvW being primarilly a WvW necro only. For instance, 10 points in power give life blast and plague blast stack might for 15 seconds, or use the trait for 20 points in staff for AoE vunerability when you enter DS you could I guess, go 30 DS 20 dagger and 20 staff and every 5 seconds AE heal and cause vunerability while building DS with fast dagger attacks up close that heal you for like 80 health a pop x target " but thats kinda broke"

I use a WvW well power build with 30 in spite , 20 in curses and 20 in staff, my first trait in spite is stack might with lifeblast and plauge blast, so I lead with those typically if the enemy is close and then switch out after 2x stacks, if I ahve 25 stacks of bloodlust I hit pretty hard over 1k dagger attacks with 2-3k finisher and lifesiphon finishes in the 4k range.

HoD sweeping in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jarlax.3691


This thread has turned to crap, I hope a mod closes it

Badges of honour drop nerf?

in WvW

Posted by: Jarlax.3691


This is all pretty simple, and it took a bunch of bored kittening dingbats to point out the problem. Badges were dropping so often that built out forts could be overwhelmed in a very short period of time.

Those bored kittening dingbats aren’t building useless siege anymore because they aren’t getting as many badges as before. The zergs aren’t taking forts quite as fast either because there aren’t as many badges to be used for siege stuff.

Anet has chosen to nerf the zergs, rather than to allow elite upgrades for forts, which just goes to show that they know the mechanics of this game far better than any of the zerghead whiners on this forum.

I agree that this could have indeed been an issue , but a better solution would be to increase the badge cost of seige or the badge cost of anything they felt needed adjusting, and not affect the ease of attaining gear type items and keep that on par with the rest of the game.

Badges of honour drop nerf?

in WvW

Posted by: Jarlax.3691


I wasn’t suprised to see this thread when I was visiting the boards today, I don’t post much, but I have to agree here. Actually I have about 5400 WvW kills and have not even aquired enough badges for 2 weapons, last night I definetly noticed a drop in the rate I was getting them, due to me trying to spam F every time I see “search” pop up after I get some xp IF I get a loot bag.

Now, I would also like to add that if I had spent as much time as I have in WvW as in say one of the dungon’s I would probabally have 4 sets of gear by now. So my question is I suppose why is the WvW PvP gear so grindy compared to the rest of the loot in the game? Don’t get me wrong, I love WvW, but thinking to stop and loot crap while your in the middle of a giant war isn’t usually such a good idea, and then the majority of orginized parties are on the move constantly with little to no time to " ok stop and everyone loot your bags"

I suggest instead of loot bags when a player enters combat with another player in WvW it starts a quest much like mule farming or supply camp killing/defending. The number of X a person recieves is done the same way but the person can click recieve quest rewards etc and get their loot, this could constantly build up untill when you finally get a breather from those 40 invaders attacking your keep you can click your quest popup and get your rewards that way, plus when you finally get killed and have to take bind you don’t just lose all your loot like now.

In all honesty I can deal with grindy WvW pvp gear if I could just have this reward system change, but a buff to the drop rate wouldn’t hurt either. If its a sales thing, as in players buying gems for gold for seige and badges can yeild seige, then either increase the cost of the seige in badges, or provide seige weapon kits on the gem store with X number of this and that etc, I will be your first customer, because I would like to get a set of armor this year in WvW 8p.

3 Things what ruining WvW experience for me

in WvW

Posted by: Jarlax.3691


Personally, I like the mobs and they are actually quite useful in that if a group of 10 or so players will place swords on the map if the mobs are attacked. Letting you know where the enemy is.

The loot bags I do agree and wish all loot from them just collected server side until I clicked a "loot WwW rewards button or something

What a horrible sPvP class

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jarlax.3691


OP , if your only hitting for 400 with daggers your doing something wrong and you need to look into some DS stuff I hit over 1k with the first 2 attacks and then 2k+ with the third but I don’t kiss and tell your going to have to figure it out I hate pop classes and nerds and stopped