Showing Posts For Jay.2684:

Loving the BotFW, but I feel let down by this

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Jay.2684


Now, I love the jumping puzzles, and I love setting myself some challenging targets to try to climb to

So once I got up to the Sky Docks Waypoint and saw this in front of me, I was pretty excited. I mean, they gave us these amazing skills to climb pretty much anything, and that tower is just begging to be climbed

And sure enough, all three kinds of crystals were hidden around the base of that tower as well (there are diving goggles up there, so that’s one reason they’re there, but you can get so much further!)

Now, unfortunately you only get 10 uses out of any skill, and once you get to the log tower the assisted leap skill is pretty much the only one that’s useful (almost), so you can’t afford to waste it. It took me quite a few tries before I learned to get to the tower without using assisted leap a lot

But I got pretty good at it, and can now reliably get to the base of the tower while only using the assisted leap once. Once up there the beams seem almost perfectly (though trickily) placed for jumping up, but once I get to this point I discovered something horrible: I clip through any further beams

It seems as if I wasn’t meant to climb all the way to the top after all. After further investigating (it seems you can use skills that let you pick a location to find out what are solid objects and what aren’t) it turns out pretty much anything above this point is just for show, you can’t climb any of it

Which just seem like such a missed oppurtunity. I mean just look at that tower, it is perfect for climbing

I got a pretty nice view from up there, but I was hoping for a better one

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jay.2684


The problem is that in Guild Wars 1 we made friends all over the world (I, at least, made friends in both America and Europe) and could play with both.

Guild Wars 2 is all about cooperation and playing with your friends, but I can’t continue to play with the same whole group of friends because of different regions. I’m a European playing on an American server right now (the latency is fine, never noticed any lag) so I can play with a big group of American friends with whom I’ve spent hundreds of hours in the first game, it’s great. However I also have more local friends (and ones in other European countries) who play on European servers, and I basically can’t play with them, or I’m abandoning my guild for a week, and vice versa.

I understand the technical difficulties and limitations, but I would be fine with being locked out of my home world for the duration of the guesting so that my character’s files wouldn’t have to be located in two different datacenters, just so I could spend a few hours doing a dungeon with friends. Basically turn guesting into a very temporary and limited transfer, and I’d be happy as can be.