Showing Posts For Jaye Byrd.8479:

Take a dive?

in WvW

Posted by: Jaye Byrd.8479

Jaye Byrd.8479

Interesting info guys, thanks for the replies. I would like to get into the issue of ethics. I’m not comfortable with tanking a match. I’m more of a “Always do your best” kind of guy. Is taking a dive a legitimate way of managing your server’s ranking?

Take a dive?

in WvW

Posted by: Jaye Byrd.8479

Jaye Byrd.8479

Seems a few WvW guilds in our server has made a command decision. We should allow our borderlands to fall. Thus losing this weeks matchup so to play against lower ranks (or tier) servers. What is the community’s thought on this? Shall we take a dive or shall we fight on?

Join the nautic force!

in Ranger

Posted by: Jaye Byrd.8479

Jaye Byrd.8479

I think the devs used hard numbers to support which traits need to be buffed. If you look at the logs I’d bet you see that Rangers spend more time in WvWvW jumping in the water to escape other classes. Water buffs make perfect sense

Yup, they gave us an underwater skill buff so when we jump in the water to escape from a rabbit we can suvive against seaweed.

Vitality vs Toughness...Crit Dmg vs Cond Dmg

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jaye Byrd.8479

Jaye Byrd.8479

When setting up my Ranger builds, I have trouble in the area of which trait to plug in. Which has more health benifits and damage benifits? I am looking to set up both a top damage build and a top survivability build. Two sets of armor, weapons, traits, etc.
Any number crunchers out there that can point me in the right directions?

Replaying personal storyline.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jaye Byrd.8479

Jaye Byrd.8479

Cleftjaw, I tried that before posting. Using; -Spineguard-Berserker’s Spineguard-Rampager’s Spineguard as search terms. There were no results.

Thanks for the reply though = )

Replaying personal storyline.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jaye Byrd.8479

Jaye Byrd.8479

After completing “Ships of the Line” (Order of Whispers), I chose the Rampager’s Spineguard as a reward. I wish to have the Berserker’s Spineguard instead. Are you able to replay the storyline after you complete it? Or is the Berserker’s Spineguard lost to my main char. forever?