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Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Jedithone.8157


After ran a few dungeons, I feel revenant need some more work before release.

1. Lack of weapon swap:
In general play, or experiencing new contents, lack of weapon swap without any tools, like elementist’s conjure weapons or engineer’s toolkit, revenants would be embarrassed by the fact that it has no chance to swap from melee to range in combat or versa vice. Although I admit that some certain play style would become meta game, like warrior equipping double melee weapon sets to maximize dps, some tools would keep revenants up with other professions.

2. No synergy with weapon skill:
Revenant works best when everything, allies and enemies, are stacking. Hammer is conservative choice of range weapon but lose dps when ranged. And some skills, like skill 4, are hard to coordinate when melee. Moreover, hammer animation time is so long that it is not good for difficult content as you would probably cancel one or two skills every few seconds.

Staff has just more than none of offensive skills. Skill 3, 4, 5 all are utility. skill 5 is knock back which means you will never use it in group content except when you are chasing something.

Mace/ Axe works best currently but it is melee and you need to read point 1.

3. Demon Stance:
The coolest on paper could not deliver. Lack of stability skill makes it not worth using because you lose dps while tanking high condition dmg, and high energy cost of utility skill make it just a short time luxury stance.

4. Energy cost:
Unlike thief, revenant does not have great regenerative tools / high cap. of energy. With different energy cost in different stance, you cannot intuitively manage the energy without reading the tooltip.

(edited by Jedithone.8157)

Network speed test

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jedithone.8157


A network speed test algorithm is welcomed so that everyone can expect the performance before joining in dungeons.