(edited by Jellytot.9816)
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Simply put EVERYONE paid for HOT expansion so EVERYONE should be given equal rights to experiencing all content we paid for.As raids stand now this is not the case
Everyone who paid for HOT has the same chance to experience the raids. It’s the persons own issue if they don’t want to adapt to whatever content anet gives us.
I suck at PvP, so am i allowed to force anet to chance their entire pvp system, cause i paid for it?
You confuse yourself between Adapt and Complete change,To adapt to something is runes/sigils/traits/utilities.Forcing people to fully change their stats on ascended gear that they worked for just to enjoy new content is not adapting.You are basically forcing players into a play style they simply do not enjoy to experience new content.Which is turn,turns out to be anti fun for them cause they cant enjoy it how they want,And is whole point of a game not to have fun while doing it?
And as for your question No you cannot because u clearly stated you suck at pvp,That is a player skill issue not a gameplay issue they are very different.I can bet there are many skilled pvers that cannot get into raids simply cause of the stats of their gear
(edited by Jellytot.9816)
Listen to this, because they’re facts:
For the way the Vale Guardian (that’s all I’ve fought as of yet) is setup, the enrage timer disallows for build diversity among players in the raid.
You cannot have more than 1 person running a fully defensive or defensive support build. You will run out of time and die. Furthermore, you can’t even have people who want to go hybrid. Everyone is either maximum DPS or it’s a failed run. There’s a long list of players who won’t be able to beat this raid boss simply because their build doomed them from the start.
A team of Berserker’s, Knight’s, Nomad’s, Sinister, Clerics, etc is diverse. It will also never beat the raid, which is sad.
ArenaNet said they were attempting to promote more build diversity but this enrage timer does the exact opposite.
Now, I’m a fantastic player. I’m super great. But, I’m very limited in the raid groups I can even attempt to join. I play a tanky healing druid in full ascended Nomad’s gear. I don’t DO DPS. I never die, ever. I picked a stat set that played to my personal strengths and I’m very successful with it. But, I can’t join ANY groups that already have anyone else who’s in even the slightest amount of defensive gear because the timer will go out and we’ll all die.
Me, with my 26k HP, 2700 toughness, near infinite heals and ridiculous hand eye coordination; destroyed because everyone else instantly died because an arbitrary timer reached 00:00.
Roll Berserker’s or Sinister or Viper’s, right? The problem I have with that is…that I don’t enjoy playing that type of character. If I were forced to pick between 1-3 preset builds that have a chance of completing content I’d just uninstall the game and start reading more books. I enjoy what I built and what I built, provided I’m really good at it, should have a decent shot at completing any form on content.
I’ve never complained about about something being too difficult in my life, because I know that if I can’t do it I’m just not good enough yet. The thing with this raid is, I’m more than good enough. I’m just not allowed.
In my opinion, the timer needs to be gotten rid of entirely. I should be able to put 10 people in Nomad’s gear in a raid and have a chance at winning. It’ll take all day but it should still be possible.
I see the raid as the great homogenizer. It’s the great machine that makes people give up every stat set except the few that stand a chance in the raid. That’s poor design. A homogenizer is the exact opposite of a diversifier.
Sure I could say, “what the heck, I’ll just go full glass and invite only full glass and play like that”. But, I don’t want to. So, if I have to, I won’t play anymore.
I’ll continue to attempt it with the groups I go with, but I don’t see any real hope for beating it until the timer is either increased or removed all together.
Maybe you’re results and experiences are different. But I’m talking about mine.
I am 100% with you on this,I have never been a meta player in any game ive played,i just refuse to follow masses like a mindless sheep,Ive always done things my way and will continue to do so until day i stop gaming.When i first started GW2 about a year ago all advice i was given for my warrior was berseker gear was like that from everyone.
Did i follow it ? Not a chance in hell, my war atm is 3 peices zerk,3 peices soldiers and pretty much all soldiers jewerly,Why? because thats how i wanted it kept myself some damage but built in some defense.Hell my Necro is FULL soldiers gear because thats how i want it to be.How i build my characters shouldn’t be decided by anyone or anything else other then myself.
Since raid patch people are more picky then ever.People on here saying on wow was same concept u always took gear/talents that offered highest possible damage.Well im sorry but that was maybe just you.Not everyone did that and u could still go into raids with w.e build u chose,boss may take 5minutes longer but in end people where happy when u killed it regardless of time it took.Situation is extremely different with raid we just got.Its almost guaranteed people wouldnt mind a longer boss fight with soldier geared ppl or any kinda of geared ppl long as they could beat it.The enrage timers are simply making people picky about who to take,because very little gear stats work.
Many others in this thread have already said same thing im going to say now,there is WAYYY more ways to make content challenging then adding timers forcing players to do things they arent happy with,And please dont come with comments of Raid is for hardcore players or if u dont like it dont do itSimply put EVERYONE paid for HOT expansion so EVERYONE should be given equal rights to experiencing all content we paid for.As raids stand now this is not the case