Showing Highly Rated Posts By Jenna.1086:
Hi all!
Sharing my Guild Wars 2 Parody called Subject Alpha. The original song is Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. I hope you enjoy it.
If you enjoyed this video, please check out my other videos in my Youtube channels listed in my signature
Subject Alpha:
Hi all!
Sharing my vocal cover of Fear Not This Night. The song is written by Jeremy Soule, however the composition I sing along to was created by Lzn02 ( I hope you enjoy it.
If you enjoyed this video, please check out my other videos in my Youtube channels listed in my signature.
Fear Not This Night:
Hi all!
Sharing my Guild Wars 2 Quaggan Song called Little Barracuda. I hope you enjoy it.
If you enjoyed this video, please check out my other videos in my Youtube channels listed in my signature.
Little Barracuda:
…next thing we know, Kasmeer and Marjory will be in these here forums raging about their weapon skins being for sale!
So cute! Cuter than Asura! WTB Skritt as playable race!
Hi all!
Just dropping by to say thank you to all of you who have been supporting me and watching my videos as of late! It really does mean the world to me! BIG Charr Hugs
I have a shiny (oooo, shiny….) new song to share with you today named “Jump The Waves” a parody of Miley Cyrus ~ Can’t Be Tamed. You can check it out here:
Thanks again and hope you enjoy the videooOooOoOo!
You can find more Guild Wars 2 related songs and gameplay videos in my Guild Wars Youtube playlist!