Showing Posts For Jeradal.8594:

How are Dungeons meant to be played?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jeradal.8594


Before you jump on me, I would like to say that I agree with all of the above bros who are saying the dungeons are fine. I love the difficulty, and I think it is really fun. I love even more how we are the first wave completing dungeons. For example, we were stuck on the final boss fight of TA for literally thirty minutes before we finally realized that the boss became vulnerable when you killed a ghost. We thought she was still unkillable and that we had to kill them all before she rezzed. Jesus we wiped so many times, but the sense of accomplishment you get after all that is worth it in my eyes. Sure the material gains of dungeons suck, I admit that, but the feeling you get from just having beat the thing is excellent.

The only “but” that I have to the conversation is this: Aggro is dumb. I just don’t understand it at all. If there is a system in place, please explain it to me, me and my friends need to understand it. As it is, it seems like the AI rolls a d5 and aggros on the player who corresponds. Its not based on who is squishiest, who is lowest in health, who is downed, who is dealing the most damage… its just random. And when the wrong person gets aggro at the wrong time, it will almost always result in a wipe. I play a warrior, and half the time I feel pigeonholed into mace/sheild just so I have enough stuns so that one is always up when a squishy bro/downed bro/in trouble bro gets aggro. And that doesn’t even matter if its a boss with the immunity to cc buff. That bro gonna die if thats true, nothing can save him.

But seriously, I’d love to be wrong, if there is another way that I can control the battlefield either through aggro systems or any mechanic I am unaware of, please let me know.