Showing Posts For Jerbiwan.9271:

HUGE Lag Spikes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


Same here. I’ve had trouble all day long keeping a good connection to the game. Hopefully this gets sorted soon.

Seige griefers; lack of report function

in WvW

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


What about making siege equipment moveable inside a fortified area? That way, if these griefers use up all the siege, scouts can just move them to a useable spot. That or I like the idea of a commander being able to “repurpose” (destroy) siege and gain supply back. Maybe with a salvage kit of some kind with a chance at retrieving blueprints…

(edited by Jerbiwan.9271)

Hacked - Unable to Disconnect Hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


Yeah, its brutal knowing that someone else has control of your stuff and theres nothing you can do about it but wait…

Hacked - Unable to Disconnect Hacker

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


Once a hacker has gotten in to your email once, and they get your cdkey, thats all they need in order to submit a ticket for email change. I kept my cd key in my email because I bought the game digitally, big mistake on my part. They’ve changed the email associated with my account three times now. I know I don’t have a keylogger, and my gw2 account and emails (all of them) have two step authentication now. My security is airtight. But as long as my account has that same cd key associated with it, the hacker can change my login info seemingly whenever he wants.

Currently logged into forums, buut...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


Small update, I’m still on my account on these forums, but cannot go to the “my account” tab at the top of the page. It asks me for login info that has been changed by the hacker.

Currently logged into forums, buut...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


The email associated with my account got changed. Again. Without my knowledge or consent. I was hacked about a month ago and have since changed my email, changed my passwords and added two step authentication.
I do NOT have a keylogger because I have had a friend logged onto my computer before I got hacked and since. He has had no trouble. Not even an attempt. The only thing I can think of is when I got hacked, that included my email that got hacked and maybe they got my cd key from my email and now they are able to submit a ticket for email change. I have a ticket in about the matter but I thought I would let the community know my ongoing problem.

I should say as well, the last time my email associated with my account was changed, the hacker was unable to get into my game because of the authenticator associated with my account. So I didn’t lose anything, but I guess the hacker now is just griefing me, knowing he can’t get into my game but just wanting to ruin my weekend. Always seems to happen on Saturday….

Rest Password Request??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


That’s an attempt at hacking your account. Watch your account carefully, or if you want to rest easy, use mobile authentication on your email and gw2 account.

i was hacked

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


I can’t stress enough the need to have two step authorization. On your email as well as your gw2 account.
I’ve heard many accounts of those who have used the same logins for 10 years or so and had no problems, and for these I am happy. However those of us that have been hacked already, we continue to be a target. The hackers have not forgotten about us when we change our passwords.
The way that I’ve found to be secure is to have two step authorization, in my case anyway. Thing is, it has to be on your email associated with your gw2 account as well as your gw2 account. If you don’t use it on the email, even though you have two step authorization (and a brand new email address)on your gw2 account, they can hack your email and just change the email associated with your account, as they did with me. THAT time they hacked me they couldn’t get into my game and sell my stuff, however I lost control of my account for a day before I could get it back.

As I’ve said, there are many that seem to have no trouble, and for those people I am glad. For the rest of us, use the two step authorization tools available to us. They cannot be hacked.

Acc Hacked/ Characters Wiped

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


My account just got hacked this evening too. It happened right in front of me! I would get booted from the game, saying my account was already in use. I tried changing my password, but then my password got changed again without my doing it! To top it off, the hacker then enabled mobile verification so I couldn’t change my password or access my account anymore. My advice to anyone that this happens to, is go directly to your account page on the gw2 website and disconnect the hacker (you will see their login and where they are).
Then change your password and enable mobile verification on your account.

Literally minutes after I submitted a ticket about the matter, I got an email from support saying that my account password was reset, and I gained access again and then enabled said verification. The hackers sold a lot of my goodies I had in my bank, and were salvaging my armors and selling the mats. Looking back, I see that not using any extra security was pretty foolish and I strongly urge any of you reading this that if you don’t have either email or mobile verification, do yourself a favor and armor up against these leeches!

Phishing e-mail I haven't seen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


oops. just saw it in another thread. sorry everyone.

Phishing e-mail I haven't seen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jerbiwan.9271


Here’s an e-mail I received this week seemingly from anet. When my cursor hovered over the link, the two addresses did not match. Here is the message, with the link removed.

It will be ongoing for further investigation by ArenaNet’s employees.

If you wish to not get your account suspended you should immediately verify your account ownership. You must complete the steps below to secure the account and your computer.


We now provide a secure website for you to verify that you have taken the appropriate steps to secure the account, your computer, and your email address. Please go to this site and follow the instructions:
(link was here)


We will contact you with further instructions once we have received and processed your submission. If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours of submitting this form, please resend it from the address listed above.

If you ignore this mail your account can and will be closed permanently.

—The ArenaNet Team