Agree with the OP,..we absolutely need mounts,’s essential to prevent more loading screens, if there are not enough already. There is no teleportation in this game,…it’s masked or a disguise when in reality it is another …you guessed it…a loading screen
This is dumbest idea I ever heard,…anytime you want to go somewhere you "teleport – and loading screen…and guess what happens after that?…yup….you in the Overflow….and then a pop up message appears…..TRAVEL to the regular game….oh brother
No thanks! This travel system blows big time. Give us mounts mounts and more mounts,…all the other mmo’s do. There has been some horrible dreadful design decisions in this game,…the other bad decision is the lvl down scaling and movement speed is also dreadfully slow
Alot I like about this game but also alot wrong especially the travel system