Showing Posts For Jilyari.7241:

Dear Admin - Can I change...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jilyari.7241


bugger – ah well thanks for replying anyway I do take your points, I suppose I have OCD re names etc :P

Dear Admin - Can I change...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jilyari.7241


When I originally set up the game way back – I picked an old charatcer name from another MMO that I never really liked thinking it would be more of a security thing and not realising that this would be your in-game Display name.

Consequently I hate it as it’s like a girls name which I am not and only serves to confuse people I play with. I realise support has lots and indeed better things to do no doubt, but I am willing to pay crisp pound notes to get this changed to something I actually desire.

Name your price admin/support!!