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Camera/FPS bug after january patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jks.3164


this new ‘bug’ made my game unplayable.
After the new patch I started to play in Auric Basin and suddenly dc’d from the game.
After login back I noticed my fps is way too low (under 10 all the time). Normally over 30 in heavily populated world bosses.

I started to tweak settings and everything, but nothing didnt work and all my hardware is in good shape like before.

But when I changed the view in first person my fps went back to normal.
Put the view in third person -> fps under 10.
Tried to reboot pc and those usual things, but didnt work.

pc specs:
i5-4670k @3.8GHz, sometimes oc.
gtx570hd 4045mb

ps. Other ppl had this problem too in the chat