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[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joe.6381


I have to think that if they changed their stance on this it was more then a few people complaining. But yes this is a train wreck. And yes there will be un satisfied customers now regardless. However this problem wasn’t created by any of the community. This is a self inflicted wound by the developer. At no point should exclusive T3 cultural meshes have been considered for sale in the gem store UNLESS all T3 cultural meshes were being made available. The idea shouldn’t have even left the drawing board. So really the only people to blame is Anet. They totally own this snafu.

Pretty much sums it up. And now it’s not going to get batter unless they work really hard. If they don’t go out with some amazing skin that will be worth it, the people who bought the flamekissed set and were unaware of cultural armours, why and how they worked or didn’t care would get really kitten ed as well – and that’s not good either.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joe.6381


yeah you do, i dont recall the patch removing your armor from you and leaving you naked, Besides its obvious this armor was popular enough that people would pay for a re skinned version and if this means the end of such a stupid concept as raced locked armors im all for it.

Yeah, where are my reskinned legendaries. They’ll sell amazingly well too.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joe.6381


Why are people complaining, it’s not like anyone lost anything, like the fractal reset.

The direction the game is going and so on mostly.
As for fractal reset- people complained about that because they felt they put a lot of time and effort in it. It’s the same here – people put a lot of time and effort in getting the race exclusive armour only to see it now in the gemstore available for all races at less than half the price. It’s pretty much the same issue.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joe.6381


I would be 100% agree with you if this was World of Warcraft. But its not.

This game is based on skins, nothing else. For a game like this, you argument is as logical as Data from star trek can be logical, failing to see the true meaning of some things, even as stupid as virtual costumes.

I do see the point of this argument, but others have made it and it doesn’t really work in my view. Cultural armor has always been available via cash shop, because the only thing you need for it is gold, which can be converted after purchasing gems. So nothing has changed there except the number of gems needed.

If we were talking about dungeon armor, which can only be acquired by completing challenging content in the game, then I would be on board with the argument. But there is a huge difference between selling cultural armor and selling Arah armor in the gem store.

That is not a valid point because everything in the game is available via the cash shop – legendaries, dungeon armours, cultural armours, every weapon skin and dye ever. You just need a ton of money for them.
And don’t pretend you don’t notice dungeon runs for gold because that has been a ting fro a while now and the ones that don’t have runs take 10-15 minutes of very casual random party to finish them. Arah armour in this case is the worst example ever since you can get 60 arah tokens for 1.5 gold at most, which is laughable compared to the cost of the cultural armour.

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joe.6381


This is appalling.
I don’t have any full cultural sets and this still feels like a slap to the face.
Why you ask? Because it’s insulting to the players. Both this and the fractals getting reset to 30 is a pure insult to everyone who has spent their time working on them so far.

For some 150g for a cultural armour might not be much – there are people making more per day. To some however this is an end game goal. This is the most elite armour set in the game. This is the legendary of armours. This is the reason people have picked a certain race. And Anet disregarded all that – they just waved away everyone’s time, effort and choices.

They made an end game race exclusive armour set a gemstore item in a game where the endgame is about skins – that by itself show that they either dropped everything they said the game was going to be (not the first thing either) or they just don’t care and they want to get as much money as they can before the game dies down. Because it is slowly dying and the things that have happened lately only accelerate this process. True the main goal is always money but you should really never make your player’s time and effort meaningless in such an inconsiderate way. No official response sadly makes me think it’s the second one.

Abusing siege and wasting supply.

in WvW

Posted by: Joe.6381


Thanks for the information – I guess that is an option. Removing the achievments that required you to use a lot of supply was a step in the right direction but still.

Haha that would be just the perfect thing if you had someone building random things all over the place. But timers are indeed a bit short – especially at night when less people play or generally on lower pop servers

Abusing siege and wasting supply.

in WvW

Posted by: Joe.6381

Why is this still allowed to happen? Honestly it’s extremely annoying and one person can screw up the game for everyone else. I’ve been upgrading and defending camps for hours escorting dollies trying to upgrade the keep and have some supply in it just so some guy can screw around with it building trebs that can’t hit and usless flame rams keeping supply at 0.

Why not have a report option for siege abuse with the can’t deploy siege buff applied to him after a number of reports. I feel like players who do this kind of thing should even be banned from WvW but if that’s not going to happen at least lock them out from abusing siege.

As things are now – how do you even stop someone doing this from ruining wvw for everyone else?

Speeding up the clicking process

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joe.6381


Ok, so I assume autockliers are not allowed in the game – which makes sense – but what about binding the left click to your scroll wheel?
That would speed up opening stacks immensely. Is that allowed or is still considered an unfair advantage considering you can only bind that from your mouse driver and not from the game options in Guild Wars 2?

Mystic Forge demoting items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Joe.6381


Ah, so it’s been there for a while. Thanks for the info.
I used to put most of my masterwork items in the forge and I’ve never seen something like this before. I should try with other weapons of the same type to see if it’s not just swords in this tier.

Thanks again.

Mystic Forge demoting items?

in Crafting

Posted by: Joe.6381


I’m not sure this topic is in the right subforum since it’s my first post.

Has this happened to anyone else?
It did to me, twice. Put 4 Carrion Mithril Swords (green lv80) and got a blue one (Berserker’s Sword lv 80)

Sadly the screenshot I took only shows the end result since I didn’t know it would happen. I can provide a screenshot of the swords since I bought them in the TP.

But is this a thing now? Can this happen in higher tiers as well? Would hate to put 4 rares and get a green item.