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Challenge Motes are bugged [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: John Doe.7120

John Doe.7120

The one issue that is plaguing most of the people who posted here is the one regarding “Meeting the Asura”/“Unforgiving Infiltration”/“Wynne’s Locket”/“Luminescent Boots” which is just the fact that there’s no challenge mote in that one instance.
This issue is apparently reproducible by the devs and could be easily fixed. So please do that and leave the ones that you can’t reproduce for later as they seem to be effecting just a handful of people.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: John Doe.7120

John Doe.7120

I just finished this achievement on two of my chars after reading Evrae Altana.1295 post and wanted to give my 2 cents on it since it’s a pain.
If at anytime the buff thing that tell you that you’re eligible for the achievement disappears it means you’ve lost an NPC and you can restart. It might be a good idea to locate their bodies if you don’t know exactly where they spawn so you can reach them faster next time. They won’t show as skulls on the map and you’ll have to hover your cursor over them to see a name.

If you still have the eligible buff it means you haven’t gotten all NPCs yet. Make sure you don’t head towards the asura lab as it will fail instantly when you get there.
There are 7 NPCs if doing it solo and I could only tell 6 of them to retreat, but it worked. Make sure you talk to all that have a chat bubble.

Here’s the order I did them in:
1) After talking to Magister Lindsey in the cave , I ran straight out to the guard tower where there are 2 NPC down and 1 up in the tower. Here I could only talk to 1 from the ground and the one in the tower. The 2nd on the ground had no chat bubble.
2)I got the unnamed Caravan Guard fighting the thresher in the water near Concodria (there are 2 NPCs in 2 different spots in the water, make sure you get the order right since this one dies faster) and told him to retreat.
3)I went for the named crusader in the water (forgot his name) that was fighting a husk and some tendrils and told him to retreat.
4)I went for the priory girl and asura on the hill near Concordia (same side as the cave where Magister Lindsey was, but more towards Concordia). These two didn’t seem to be fighting anything and I think it’s safe to leave them for last. Make sure you tell BOTH of them to retreat, as soon as you do the achievement should pop up.

Also since I’ve seen a lot of theories around here: I was on a purple start (not the main quest) , I did it before the 10 minute timer ran out with a warrior and after it with a mesmer.

Warrior Trait bug: Arms I - Deep Strike

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: John Doe.7120

John Doe.7120

I can confirm this, Deep Strikes does give you a free Signet of Might for no apparent reason. Also you can refund traits and the signet will remain until you switch maps.