Showing Posts For JohnnyJHB.7360:
Thank you very much for the feedback, really helpful.
I decided to buy it – kitten it, why not
I’m enjoying reliving Season 2 so it’s the ideal thing to do while I wait 2 weeks or so
Not sure if anyone mentioned it above, but if you are going to play HOT for the next two weeks whilst waiting for POF, here’s one helpful hint: DONT SPEND YOUR MASTERY POINTS. You get HUGE amounts of mastery points in the HOT maps, but if you don’t use them, you can get a head start of a good 200 or more mastery points in POF which will allow you to upgrade your new elite spec a bit quicker.
You seem to have confused mastery points with hero points. They’re not really the same thing.
Yes, it’s a typo. I mean HERO POINTS.
Thank you very much for the feedback, really helpful.
I decided to buy it – kitten it, why not
I’m enjoying reliving Season 2 so it’s the ideal thing to do while I wait 2 weeks or so
Not sure if anyone mentioned it above, but if you are going to play HOT for the next two weeks whilst waiting for POF, here’s one helpful hint: DONT SPEND YOUR MASTERY POINTS. You get HUGE amounts of mastery points in the HOT maps, but if you don’t use them, you can get a head start of a good 200 or more mastery points in POF which will allow you to upgrade your new elite spec a bit quicker.
I’m assuming the people complaining about the difficulty of solo instances never played video games in the 80’s and 90’s…
My opinion is that too many people are caught up by the negative opinions of others.
Wait till the expansion is out for a month or two before you pass judgment on the new elite specs. We have seen almost nothing of the POF content and the types of challenges it will pose, and what we have seen is outdated and had not been balanced yet.
Judgments passed with a lack of data tell us a LOT more about the people passing the judgment than the subject of their judgment.
Ivanova (Claudia Christian) voices the female norn.
Woah, seriously?! :o That’s really cool, I had no idea.
Yes, but to this day I still wonder who gave her the directional order to make her combat noises sound (wait, I don’t think using this term is allowed on here, so let me try this instead) like sounds that you are only used to hear in the bedroom. It pretty much ruined playing my female norn for me (beside the fact that they move like jogging super models instead of warriors).
I know. It’s wonderful. My two favourite norn female toons are named Barbie and Xena and I can assure you neither of them are properly dressed either.
Definitely necro. Go for a petless sustain build as set out above.
Don’t get me started. I have gone from level 0 to 46 in Wvw zerging commanders just to get this spoon. Nothing. I raised a ticket, fearing that I may have deleted it previously or something, but no, Anet confirmed it is just bad rng on my part. I have killed hundreds and hundreds of NPCs and commanders in wvw. And I hate wvw. This collection is from the devil as far as I am concerned. Have spent more time on this than most players would on a legendary weapon. And still nothing. My spirit is broken.
I always play whatever I like the most animation/voice-wise, don’t care at all if male or female.
Literally this.
I stopped playing GW2 a few years ago. In Feb of this year I was watching old Babylon 5 reruns and then discovered that Ivanova (Claudia Christian) voices the female norn. I came back, made a new female norn and haven’t looked back.
I prefer female Norn, male Charr, male Asura, male Human and female Sylvari (although I generally dislike Sylvari voices).
Saw some studies a while ago about gamers and the race and gender of their characters. It’s interesting how for one extreme their character is an avatar (and those guys don’t generally like their character to be to different from themselves or how they perceive themselves) and how for the other extreme their character is completely disconnected from their identity (and can therefore play any race or gender based purely on function or aesthetics.)
We got a new zone every 2-3 months with LS3. Can’t beat that. Yes, there’s definitely room for improvement on the story, but those zones were and always will be pretty awesome. (Except maybe the last one, but hey, ascended backs!!)
I love what they did with LS2 too, particularly the story, which was much smoother and compelling than the disjointed story telling in LS3. Anet must find the happy medium: drop different zones every 2-3 months without allowing those differences to make the story feel disjointed.
Spider mount
OK, that made me a bit uncomfortable. Can understand that people who have spider issues would be seriously creeped out by that. lol
Finally, rational posts taking into account what beastmode really is (a temporary cc/damage/healing boost) and speculating on how to make it work best for the player, instead of irrational whiney posts based on what players thought beastmode was going to be (perma petless mode) and a list of demands about how anet should achieve that.
With hindsight, anet should probably have managed player expectations a little more clearly as most of the whining and gnashing of teeth resulted from the considerable difference between the expectation and reality of this elite spec. The way I played this spec on Friday and the way I did on Sunday was completely different. Once you start stance dancing with soulbeast it becomes a helluva lot of fun
Loving Soulbeast too. I really appreciate the added complexity of swapping in and out of beastmode as needed and the endless possibilities presented by the various skills. The play style is almost a little more ele or engi and hence I can understand that many rangers might find it a bit strange at first.
I run a condi trap build and am really excited about the options available to avoid damage whilst being close enough to drop those traps. As an ele from way back when the ranger rotations have always felt a bit simplistic to me, but soulbeast has definitely changed that for me. Pretty hyped for POF now!
Once seen, this cannot be unseen. Soulbeast pretty much ruined for me. LOL
What this game lacks is an abundance of kittens. And that’s no coincidence. Game mechanics that foster kitten behavior have been avoided. In any case, people standing around in the open world are not geared or specced for pvp. If you want a fair fight, go do spvp. Dueling in the spvp lobby probably makes sense, but open world, no thanks.
The map design and music is awesome. Love the raptor but the sticking issue should be resolved asap.
The abundance of lower level mats available is a problem. This will not only damage the economy, but also affect population in lower level zones significantly.
The story was ok or slightly better than usual. The Rytlock / mists issues feels very poorly done though. You don’t need to give it all away, but you do need to progress it slightly. At the moment it just feels parked because you don’t know what to do with it, which is bad. Also, does the Free City of Amnoon not have any leadership? Surely you’ll have to deal with them if you just barge into their city with an airship. If there are realistic consequences for actions the world feels a bit more real and the story telling is more compelling. Currently the city just feels like a backdrop.
The zone does not feel like a lvl 80 zone. Max level zones should have high stakes and be dangerous. Amnoon Oasis is anything but. Hence the Queensdale 2.0 comments. I’m hoping it’s the only POF zone that is like this. Hopefully there is also a compelling meta event.
I don’t think Arenanet did themselves any favours with this demo. I really love GW2 and will play POF – but not because of the demo, in fact, I will be doing it DESPITE having played the demo.
I enjoyed the short story instance (which I’m hoping is only the last half of the actual story instance) and the mount is cool and fun (even though it is so ten years ago). The 2/3 of the zone we get to play in looks interesting, but it is bare in all senses of the word. It seems a nice enough backdrop, but that’s all it is really. Without showing us a hint of the meta events running on the real map it’s all a little pointless.
The size of maps have been overstated somewhat. Yes, they are bigger, but they certainly don’t feel bigger when you are mounted. Just emptier. Consider also that the degree of verticality in HOT allowed 2-3 or even more different levels you could play on. Having only one level that is slightly larger isn’t really bigger, it’s actually quite a bit smaller. If the rest of the maps in POF are like this, most players will have map completion on all 5 new maps in the first week or two and I’m not so sure that’s a good thing.
All in all, I’m not so sure what Arenanet attempted to achieve with this demo and am worried that nothing good will come of it.