Engineer and Guardian
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If a person ignores all your Turrets (like combination of Healing, Net, Rifle, Rocket), then Turrets can do their work pretty well. However, what if that person kills all your Turrets before he chases you? Warrior or Thief can burst a Turret in 2 sec or faster (no kidding). Your Turret’s deploy CD is 30~60 sec, so you are amazingly vulnerable until next utility Turret is up. Compared to that, you can only deal damage to that enemy like 6~8 sec. Think about it. Can you deal enough damage to Thief or Warrior or anyone else with only your weapon skills? I don’t think so……
The point is, if Turret’s HP and defense buffed then we can get pretty good amount of 10~15sec of free damage dealing time. Then enemies will think about going after your Turrets, and Turrets will have some deterent power for defense. For now, Turret’s defense is just a joke.
You might try out the Accelerant-Packed Turrets trait. If they decide to focus down your turrets first they are going to get knocked down for each one they kill. Unless you are in a coma this should give you more than enough time to either kill them or do enough damage to be able to win the fight when they finally do get to you.
I have had a lot of luck using the flame, rocket, and rifle turret to protect points. Most people ignore them and chase me so i mix dodges and shield abilities to keep safe and let my turrets wear them down. With supply drop and the extra turret damage from traits I have a pretty good time with my turrets. Think I’m going to try rifle and elixirs though.
Yes, that’s awesome, and I want to do that as well, but principle simply won’t let me. We aren’t even a month into this game. Two months from now, those players (yourself included) are hopefully going to have much better gear, and their abilities (assuming they’re using damaging utility skills) are going to be stronger. Meanwhile, your turrets are going to be doing the same damage and will have the same defense they did two months prior.
Since he’s talking about protecting points I assume he’s talking about sPvP. The gear is not going to get any better than it is now so your point would be moot.
This isn’t a gear treadmill MMO. Even in WvW it’s pretty easy to cap out or near cap out on your stats early on. Once you do that people aren’t going to keep getting higher and higher stats like other MMO’s.
Asking for the Net Turret to fire faster would be absurd. By simply going down the power trait line you can easily have 4 second immobilizes every shot. Having a 40% uptime on immobilize, without even touching the activation, is already really strong and you want more?
Turrets themselves aren’t weak, but I do think that turret builds are pretty weak. They could probably use a good overhaul to some of the traits to find a way to make a build centered around them a bit more viable.
As to turrets themselves, Healing Turret is clearly fine, I don’t think anyone can argue about it being viable. Net Turret is situational but incredibly abusive in the right situation. With just this ability you can immobilize someone for 16+ seconds, immobilize is the strongest condition in sPvP by far. Rifle Turret sees a lot of use in Static Discharge burst builds simply because of the tool belt ability. Thumper can be somewhat meh but I’ve seen it used to great effect on the midpoint at Khylo.
The other turrets have some interesting tricks to them and I could easily see a creative player getting more use out of them but I haven’t seen them much in Tournament PvP up to this point.
People that are complaining about the self knockback are crazy and need to get more creative. I would be very very sad if they took that away. You can currently use it in so many situations to stay alive it’s not even funny.
As to the OP, I myself use this trick from time to time, but it’s really situational and you have to be careful. Giving up a stun break in certain match ups is pretty painful. In the right situation though it can be amazing for securing a kill.
As for the Particle Soup, I would rather they leave most of that in. It feels over the top occasionally but as you learn what is what it’s important for reading the fight.
What I would suggest is that the Spectator Mode, when it comes, has an option to just remove a certain preset of spell effects so that the casual viewer doesn’t get overwhelmed.
I’ve seen a lot of these Triple Guardian teams popping up in tournaments and it just feels like a very pub stomp comp. If you are solo-queuing it’s often very hard to have the coordination required to drop 3 Guardians working together.
On the other hand we haven’t had much trouble with the comp while playing as a full team. Loading up poison and utilizing CC at the right time makes the fights pretty straight forward.
Also as someone mentioned above it’s very easy to beat a tank Guardian 1v1 without killing him by simply taking his point away. A properly specced Engineer can do this without issue.
I guess my point is that I really hope that ANet doesn’t balance for pug tournaments as there are a number of strategies that you simply can’t beat without the right coordination but are not OP in any way. I think simply opening up Paid Tournaments for Pre-Mades to join will fix a lot of these issues.
I think the best solution I’ve heard is to have the 5 minute timer, but every time a player hits the ready button it drops 30 seconds off. So if your whole team comes in ready to go the most they’ll have to wait is 2:30.
This makes sure that if one team does have an issue and needs a couple minutes they can still protect their player from being afk at the start. It also keeps a single player from holding up a match for more than 30 seconds.
(edited by Jona.6810)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Jona.6810
I’m having the same issue. About 1 in 5 times that I attempt to turn my camera using the right mouse button it will fail to do so. It seems to be simply dropping the click completely.
I use a Razer Naga and have gone through and updated every driver I can and tweaked every option I can but nothing seems to help. It only does it with GW2.
This is beginning to make competitive PvP all but impossible.
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