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GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jono.1605


Posting for a friend whose ticket number is:

Trying to be able to reset password. Her display name is Mirandie.9476

Please help. She really doesn’t want to have to re-buy the game just to reset the password.

(edited by Jono.1605)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jono.1605


Lion’s Arch has become a Fractal’s Lobby. We could use either a LFG channel, window, or lobby at instance entrances. I didn’t mind so much when everyone would map chat for groups in Ascalon and such, because it’s not very concentrated. But now that the main hub city has a dungeon in it, it’s gone from Lion’s Arch to Lion’s Lobby.

There is some concern that a LFG window would take away from the immersion factor, but even something as simple as an LFG channel in each zone would help. It wouldnt affect immersion any more than the current LFG spam does in LA.

Or for a little more work, you could add an extra room just inside the dungeon entrance between the world and instance (a zone called The Antechamber for Ascalonian Catacombs for example) where the ’LFG’ers could go to build their party/look for members instead of standing out in the world interrupting our conversations x.x

Dungeon Lobbies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jono.1605


I really like the idea of basing a LFG tool within the context of the game. For example, the difference between “Press V to open the Vendor Window” and having to actually find the Vendor NPC, see them, and interact with them seems vital to me in terms of a living, breathing world.
I really hope the path to the solution for players finding party members is:
- based within the world, with space and visibility, not just a UI Window
- accessible, and something ppl don’t feel hindered to use
- is sustainable and becomes established as the way for people to find others.

LFG Windows are a fantastic relief in the short-term, but in the long-term they quicken the sense the game is just numbers and variables. It’s like giving people a drug to make them hungrier than they really are so they care more about consuming than what they consume.
The Dungeon Lobbies in GW1 failed the last criteria as they became vacant ghost towns as the population moved forward through the released content. They also weren’t very accessible and often required the purchasing of special uncommon items to get to the entrance.

^Pretty much everything Faces mentioned. Dungeon lobbies should be as integrated as possible; more involved than just a ‘LFG window’. But at this point I’d almost be fine with anything. I miss being able to actually hold a conversation in LA without being interrupted by “lfg fotm lvl 2/4/6” all the time. Lion’s Arch isn’t a city anymore, it’s already a lobby in itself.