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The important question no one seems to ask

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jooeeyy.4917


We have a God wich light is taken and perhaps thrown out by the others, wandering around alone, wearing someone else’s “shell”..

Why was cooking and Jewler left in the dirt?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jooeeyy.4917


I would like food with longer buffs, I keep forgetting to renew them.

Team vs. Solo: Which Do You Prefer?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jooeeyy.4917


Mostly solo, its just easier and more relaxing. I’ve had my share of waiting around for others and in gw2 its generally no problem to ask for help when I need or to help out if others need.
As to why I like to play a mmo, its like going out for a coffee, or to a pub for a drink. It would be no point if theres noone else around. I can sit alone with my beer and just watch people having a good time, or I can look for someone to share a few drinks and some conversation. I dont have to talk or share a beer with everyone in the pub to enjoy it, though that may or may not have happened in my younger years..

Third party DPS meters and game hostility...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jooeeyy.4917


Now that meters is a thing, its probably here to stay. And perhaps gw2 is a game for meters as its mostly about dps anyway.
Still, I like my games better without it. In my experience, no matter intentions or agreements in guilds and among friends, it tends to sneak its way into almost everything that happens. In the end, theres always one who will run it and post numbers, perhaps only his own numbers, never judging or commenting, but it will be there.
Perhaps I always ends up with wrong people, though I wouldnt have guessed it beforehand. And it isnt really anything wrong with it as such, some people like numbers, especially higher numbers than others, its how it is.
But people who are quite happy without numbers gets dragged in, and starts to keep half an eye on the numbers too. And thats okay. Sort of. And then healers start to dream about not beeing last. Supports want to get in some shots too, because getting beaten by a healer? Omg.
And then numbers are a part of it, if you want it or not. It takes some of your focus, and some choises will be made, not for your group but for numbers. And thats what I dont like about meters.
As I said, maybe gw2 is the game for it. Perhaps.
Still dont like it though.

Please, a clear statement re: AFK farming.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jooeeyy.4917


I dont think there ever will be a set of rules like you seem to ask for. To make a rule for just about every possible (and impossible) scenario beforehand is firstly close to imossible, and secondly, lots and lots of work. It wouldnt just be about afk-farming, but all kinds of question and grey areas throughout the game would need its own set of rules, covering every aspect.
So, there are somewhat vague rules, or guidelines, to cover everything, so they dont have to think up if then, maybe that, perhaps like this and probably not for every single action/circumstance beforehand.
For your ban, fictional or not, there is no need to go into specific, a fictional gm tried to ask what was going on, no response, unattended gameplay.
For what points to get or miss, such very spesific scenario SEEMS to be a way to come as close to cheating as possible without crossing the line. It may not be so, but rather a courious look into academics, though it will still not end up in any clarification, because I dont think Anet, (or any other gamedeveloper I have run across) want you to know exactly where lines go. As I understand it, mostly because of the work it brings, but also because things may change as a game and players evolve.