Showing Highly Rated Posts By Jordyy.3219:

Unbalanced League for WvW (Green Borderland).

in WvW

Posted by: Jordyy.3219


Dear ArenaNet,

We would like to file a new complaint.

Right now WvWvW mode is in League mode, that means that fairplay is 100% necessary.
Since the beginning the League started, in all the Green Borderlands if you are defending your map there is a limited player that only permits 50% of the total players to enter.
This is a HUGE stopper for the whole WvWvW community to play this League.

In these circumstances the balance on the Green Borderlands, is unfair.
That means that the current points made on this league, are not valid from any point of view.

We are playing with 55/60 players, against more or less 80/80 players from each server which is a total of 140/150 players, in the green borderland.
In short terms this whole League is unbalanced.

Being in this circumstances, we ask ArenaNet to re-consider:
Resetting the league when the BUG is solved, or either have this in consideration for the servers that played in the Green map when the League ends.

Yours sincerely,
The Green Borderlands community!

PS: We only are asking for a FAIR League!

(edited by Jordyy.3219)