Showing Posts For JoshuaWalton.4137:

1-4-13: Maguuma/Borlis Pass/Devona's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: JoshuaWalton.4137


A LARP guy complaining about FOTM builds in duels when his troll party last week was literally two D/D eles and a backstab thief. Hahaha.

I’m sad I couldn’t stay around longer to duel since I had to go put out fires elsewhere most of the time. I was the one kitten (lol censored guild tag) engineer that dueled the P/D EDGE thief…It was a close one, I’m sad I didn’t win I think the difference was literally just one hit at the end. Anyway, hope everyone had fun. If there is interest in another one where more guilds show up, that can be arranged. I wanna see some AD duels.

yeah, I’m that EDGE p/d thief. I had alot of fun last night with all you guys. Got my butt kicked by alot of people but Really enjoyed that duel against you. Also against that ranger, the 5+ min. duel… insane. But good fights all! Hope to meet up with you guys again soon!