Showing Posts For Joyce.8312:
Awww tiny adorbs! Are you planning to make more? o: Cause I would love to see more of these!
That is just too precious! <3
You have such a gorgeous art style! I really love the form and color <3
If you ever need help with a petition for that let me know! I’ll be the first to write down my name for that.
Yeah for most artists just drawing helps a lot! I hope you will stick around, have fun!
The details are amazing and your style is gorgeous! <3
This will be the last one for some time then guys! Thank you everyone who was interested and who supported this post and my art! Last one will be for Arenta, thanks sweety! When you get this message please send the gold ingame! <3
Here we have the sketch for ZeroEsc thanks sweety you know I love drawing cute Asuras. When you get this message please send the gold ingame thank you~!
And the 2 sketches for EremiteAngel, thanks for the support! Once you get this message please send the gold ingame~ Thank you it was awesome to draw your characters~
Hey hey Moonlit,
The biggest one I’ve done was with 23 Asura so I think that is the max but right my commissions will be closed for some time. Might open them up later so keep an eye out if ya still interested~!
This one is for Fat Disgrace, thanks for the support! Please send the gold ingame when you get this message thank you~
Here will be the sketches for Iona. Thanks dear for letting me draw your adorable characters! Please when you get this message send the gold ingame, thank you!
(edited by Joyce.8312)
Hey hey MrJK here is your lovely Necro. When you get this message please send the gold ingame. Thank you
This one is for Cigar featuring their 5 characters. It was a blast to work, thanks! <3 Once you get this message please send the gold ingame thanks dear!
I was hoping to see your art here pop up one day. I love your art and I hope you have the time to draw more inspired GW stuff cause its awesome! <3
This post will be for Exikar their sketches!
**please send the gold after you’ve seen this message thank you!
(edited by Joyce.8312)
These are friggn awesome! I love your style <3
Hi again! We met on tumblr and in-game. I’m raiality on tumblr and well my account name is right there.
I’d like to request three slots if possible. But I’d like you to do what you did with the earlier piece you did for me, all characters on one page doing something cute, without weapons. This time it’s my friend’s two Asuras and one of mine.
Please let me know when to send you payment!
Hey hey Rai!
Sure thing shouldn’t be a problem~ You can send the payment afterwards I’m done!
more the merrier.
can i request one =Duh…what do i do o.o
Of course you can! Just make sure you make screenshots of your character post them somewhere and send the link here! After I’m done with the sketch I post it back here and you can send the gold afterwards in-game to me. Thank you!
- Joyce
Hello everyone!
Friendly reminder that a new batch has opened I’ve put everyone who was on the waiting list firstm which leave like 9 slots to grab. Thank you so much everyone! <3
- Joyce
Heya everyone thanks for the ongoing interest! I’ll be opening the batch probably later today or tomorrow. Please note that it might take some time to get everything done. Since I’m working on a bigger piece atm. Please keep an eye out the list is almost full already! Thank you
- Joyce
Hello everyone just a quick message for the next batch. I still have 1 more commission to draw and after that I will open a new batch. If you are interested make sure you keep an eye out on this post.
I’ll be opening them next week thanks everyone!
Hey Nefy here is ya cute little Asura and ya sexy human! Thanks dear it was fun to work on these <3
(edited by Joyce.8312)
Heya GrandMozeuR with this post your sketch of ya lovely salad! Thanks for the support and once you got this message please send the gold. Thank you! <3
Hey Shakki the rest of your sketches are done it was a pleasure to draw ya characters. When ya get this message please send the gold for the remaining two, thanks dear!
Hey Isolcity,
Loved working on your character very adorable! Hereby your sketch. Please when you got this message send the gold, thanks again! <3
- Joyce
Ermergerrrrd, so cute! >.< Sorry it took me a while to see this, but don’t worry, I shall pay you now. XD Thank youuuu!
Aww thank you! I’m happy to hear that you like it <3
This is just a single one but this one was for Vlokki who contacted me on tumblr! Thanks dear <3
Of course not! just keep an eye out on this post. I’ll will post a new list with new charcters after this one. Make sure you post clear screenshots of your characters. Thanks in advance!
One last quick question before I stop being a bother. Are we allowed to make request on body shape/pose/whatever?
Don’t worry you’re not bothering at all. These are simple sketches so if the suggested pose is simple it shouldn’t be a problem at all.
(edited by Joyce.8312)
I’m currently full on slots but next week I’m reopening another 10 slots. If you are really interested i can reserve spots for you.
Certainly, if that’s alright! Two, if you don’t mind?
Of course not! just keep an eye out on this post. I’ll will post a new list with new charcters after this one. Make sure you post clear screenshots of your characters. Thanks in advance!
Out of curiosity, are these still open?
I’m currently full on slots but next week I’m reopening another 10 slots. If you are really interested i can reserve spots for you.
Hey Isolcity,
Loved working on your character very adorable! Hereby your sketch. Please when you got this message send the gold, thanks again! <3
- Joyce
Sorry for the long delay! IRL been busy. X<
Here’s my screens though.Millium [Mesmer] Corvid [Necromancer] Doomforge [Engineer] [Ranger] Hawthorne [Thief]
Hey Moonlit,
All your sketches are now done, thanks for letting me draw your lovely characters! Please send the gold once you get this message. Thank you once again! <3
- Joyce
is it possible to book your next slot too ?
if possible i’d like to book 7slots
Hey hey,
I’m still waiting for your characters screenshots. I’ll wait a few more days before you loose your slots. I hope you understand and thank you!
- Joyce
Friendly reminder that the trivia is starting in 15 minutes! You can win 1 gold per question and for the lat question you can win a sketch commission from your character! But most of all just join for the funs! See you there~
Hello, GW2 community.
Tomorrow at 9pm server time [HOOT] will be hosting a Disney trivia contest in Lion’s Arch. Come for fun, learning pointless Disney facts, and the joy of being reminded of Disney movies and shows that were better left forgotten! You can also get gold as a reward but you are welcome to test your knowledge and show us you are the best!
You can message Orphene Iraya and Ookie Hart to be taxiied onto our map. Hope to see ya there!
Hey guys for everyone who commissioned a sketch. I am a bit busy this week but I will hopefully finish the rest soon. Thank you all for your patience!
Are there still slots left? If so I would like to claim 3 of em. (screens might take a bit of time since it’s not my character and a l’il suprise)
Hey hey Gunner sadly for now all slots are taken. I will open more slots once I get ya commission done and the rest of the sketch commissions. Thanks for the continuing support and interest <3
Here are the references:
Chenoyu has kasmeer’s staff and Lien has jade axe and priory warhorn if you choose to draw them in ^u^ Also if you need more screenies i’ll be happy to take some!
The screens are good thank you! Keep an eye out and I will work on your characters.
The first four are basic views, and then there’s some fun ones if you wish to see! She also uses Bloodseeker and Royal Ascalonian dagger, if you’d rather draw those than the Crossing. I can’t decide which I’d prefer. :x Thank you~
Both are great weapon sets and your character is lovely. We will just see, it will be a surprise then! Thanks for the screenshots
Do you still have the last 2 slots open? I’d be really interested to atleast get one, both if can do
Of course you can have both slots. Make sure you post clear screenshots and keep an eye out on this post. Thank you <3
Great screenshots thanks! I’m going in order from 1 to 20 so it might take some time. But keep an eye out. Thanks again
Days i havn’t played but i can relog to get a screen.
Ordering one slot bro.
Sure thing I’ll see your screenshots come up sooner or later. Thanks!
i would like to have 3 slots
Three slots coming right up! Thank you
Thanks, how do we continue? Ill add some pictures here then what?
Yeap make sure you post a full front and back screenshot of your characters and add your weapon. You can pay me afterwards once I’ve posted the drawings. I update the original post once I’m starting with finishing drawings. So just keep an eye out now and then. Thanks again!
I would love to order some more. But I am giving people a few days of chance to claim spots before I will
That’s very sweet of you <3 I’m prolly opening some more slots after this batch. But we will see. Thanks as always!
i would like to have 3 slots
Three slots coming right up! Thank you
Hello everyone I’m opening two more batches! Make sure you check you’re in one. I’m kinda busy at the moment so it will take about 2 to 3 weeks to finish everything. But I expect to be quicker than that. There should still be some slots open, thanks again!
Hey hey guys first of all thanks for all the support and your interest. I wasn’t so sure in the beginning but you guys sure surprised me. I’m gonna take a few days to start up a full body commission. When I got that going I’ll be opening 20 slots!
Please note that 1 batch of 10 commissions will take about a week and 2 batches will take 2. It might be quicker or might be longer ( but I will message you if it does ). Keep an eye out later this week if your name in the second batch! Thanks again guys <3
Hey Iso of course you can. I’ll put you on the waiting list for 1 spot. Paying really depends some people pay afterwards and some pay in advance. I don’t mind either way, but I rather get paid afterwards that way I feel I earned it. Just don’t send the payment before you are confirmed in a batch. Thanks!