Showing Posts For Joyful.9382:
So I guess I was originally one of the lucky ones as I opened like 30 coffers and found a ticket. I didn’t much care for the skins at first but once I had the Jade Axe I kinda wanted a second one to match my first one and armor set (Warrior). I have since opened 3,750 coffers and still haven’t found a single ticket (I have the 43 minis to prove it ~.~). I don’t see how this current system is useful as it seems to pretty much limit the number of tickets the average player can get to 1-2 tickets. I understand that some players are luckier than others and have opened 300 coffers or whatever and gotten 5 or so tickets, but as an unlucky player I feel that opening almost 4,000 coffers and not getting a single skin is a bit stupid. The skins aren’t purchaseable in the Trade Post for gems and I have read a few reasons why that is. The skins are also not tradable from player to player nor is there some sort of event currentcy to purchase these skins. For a skin that won’t cause the market to change (minus the sale of coffers) I don’t see why it is so rare and hard to get for most players. It doesn’t require skill and for several it doesn’t even require much gold to obtain so why should I and thousands of others be thrown under the bus? I guess this is just a rant on how unlucky I have been and how I have lost all hope for any future events in guild wars…