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Skill tracking even after stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Julius.5931


I can understand 1 instance skills tracking like maybe dh true shot. But rapid fire? Possibly due to rapid fire being channeled rather that treated as a quickness boon for attacks. Just seems weird.

Skill tracking even after stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Julius.5931


Why does ranger rapid fire still track cloaked thief, lets say when you cloak during mid flight of the first arrow? So unrealistic. It even gives away positioning.

Suggestions for Hammer and Staff

in Guardian

Posted by: Julius.5931


GS leap can be used as a disengage and create space for re-positioning. Given that hammer’s blast finisher has short range and can’t do the same I really feel Ring of Warding should have a reflect effect to really “ward” off attacks when used defensively.

As for the attack speed woes I think it’s a matter of timing. GS is the DPS 2 hander between the two.

On a side note I do like the wind-ups in hammer animations. It makes it look strong. :P

LFOpinions - Greatsword vs. Sword/X

in Guardian

Posted by: Julius.5931


GS has been buffed recently in the last patch. I’d say each has their place. Sword/x does offer more utility though. Much safer since it has shield or focus for blocks and cc. GS does have more mobility though without the condition of having to target ambients or passive mobs, if you want to get around quicker. You can also apply light aura by dropping symbol and leaping with leap of faith. The damage and cleave on Whirling Wrath is also pretty good.

Suggestions for sPVP Tournament Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Julius.5931


Instead of Ascended Armor, can we get more cool PVP exclusive wardrobe unlocks and new backpacks as exchangeable prize? Maybe a little increase in gold rewards to attract PVE players. Dragonite ore is plentiful in pvp without having to do silver waste runs, so that’s a good thing. Maybe we can get a PVP reward bag/box just like the ones we get from festival events (wintersday gifts/trick or trick bags/red envelopes) that have a set of exclusive pvp only rewards and a mix of other stuff in RNG

Getting another set of ascended was a nice incentive, but I think it was the right move to make it harder to get them to prevent power creep or having to introduce a new level of armors. I don’t really want dungeon and raid pugs to start requiring ascended as the new baseline.

Suggestions for Hammer and Staff

in Guardian

Posted by: Julius.5931


Could we get Reflection on hammer #5 – Ring of Warding, and can we have Staff #2 – Detonate Orb Of Light cause a small knock back?

Keep Casuals and Raiders Separate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Julius.5931


I think one of the biggest barriers to raiding is the requirement to ping “proof” of kills and not enough of these training runs. I guess it helps weed out the inexp players from a run you want to go smoothly. It saves on the effort of having to teach new players in a high stress environment. It also comes to a point wherein strict comps prevent certain classes from being taken along.

Although I have seen coms who are patient and genuinely try to help new raiders in pugs. Sadly here we have people both new and old do weird things like afk or not pay attention and then leave if the session doesnt go well.

So it goes both ways really.

(edited by Julius.5931)

Incomplete Prefix for PVP Ascended armors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julius.5931


So a friend and I did some pvp in se05 to grab ascended armor and back item. She finally decided to go with Minstrel prefix for her armor. However, of the ones she got, only Arms, Shoulders, and Boots had the Minstrel prefix. Wings of Ascension back item, Chest, and Leggings didn’t have the Minstrel prefix available.

What gives?

UPDATE: Figured it out. She bought HoT expansion midway, so her armor is a mix of core only and HoT.

Will need supports help for this one…

(edited by Julius.5931)

Skins to stones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julius.5931


Has anyone suggested having skin items that are already unlocked in your collection to have an option to salvage into transmutation charges instead of wastefully having to destroy them?

Character Voice Choices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julius.5931


:( tear So Sad… I wanted to make a high pitched male norn guardian.

Character Voice Choices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julius.5931


Hire new voice actors so we can choose different voices styles.

Put festive tokens into wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julius.5931


Hi Anet. I hope you’re reading this. I have like 2 stacks left of festive tokens in my bank. I destroyed a stack before since I didn’t know there were still npc’s that accepted them after the events. I’m keeping what I have left in hopes that the events wherein I can accumulate some return again so that I may get some of the other stuff I missed out on.

I don’t mind waiting for a year or so again until the events reset, maybe. But It’d be nice if you could help us free up some space and include items like these tokens into the wallet.