Showing Posts For Juneau.6095:

Make game 114% less annoying with one change!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Juneau.6095


I don’t agree with the ‘its not fair to people who have done map completion’ argument. Its not like the WPs pose a challenge (like Hero Points), and POIs still force people to explore the map. WP requires nothing more then walking in close proximity to it to discover and usually there is a POI right next to it anyway.
I think WP should be unlocked to all alts when discovered for the first time, and the XP from discovering should be distributed and added to the maps POIs XP.
Remove WP from map completion all together.
This is still fair to map completers cause like i said, chances r u still had to explore that area for POIs.

NPCs too gentle, Story lacks Intrigue etc.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Juneau.6095


Dude… the world is ending. Tyria is dying, and the Dragons are the biggest, latest, and most pressing symptom.


There is no doubt that the overall plot and themes of the game are ‘threatening’, devestating, and mature orientated.

What I believe is the problem that i think the OP was trying to articulate is that the characters, NPCs, dialogue and narrative that drive these along don’t capitalise on their potential.
Some examples (HOT spoilers ahead!!)

- We just went to battle with and survived an elder dragon, where are the repercussions? Post traumatic stress is a real disorder amongst soldiers coming back from war – the game could have dabbled in these issues. You would think that Taimi, a young war-inexperienced NPC who was involved in the battles against scarlett and mordremoth would be somehow affected, but no, she is still the annoying chirpy NPC she has always been.

- Mordremoth was never a threat in HOT and it never felt personal. Anet could have created instances as we progress throught HOT maps, where he appears to the character and his allies and taunts them. Reminds them of their failings, e.g. “u failed to save Eir”. This could have unnerved Braham and opened the door to a stronger subplot of Brahams disobedience and a rift with the commander, and a rift amongst all the NPCs taking sides (e.g. rox and kasmeer siding on Brahams side, rytlock and Marjory on the commanders).

- Canach and caithe resisted Mordremoths influence and i never felt threatened by them. By the time it came to picking my team for the final fight i picked both with no hesitation or worry of betrayal. And surprise surprise, they never did.

I could go on, but u get my point. OP is spot on, people are too nice and gentle. Comic relief is ok, but when the whole narrative is comical amongst a serious backdrop its even more contrasting.
Everything has a happy ending and everyone is more or less fine. Unless your dead (e.g. Eir), your good to go. There is no middle ground, no shades of grey, no negative consequences due to a noble cause etc.

Any Beastmaster or Power Builds?

in Ranger

Posted by: Juneau.6095


OP, I was after a similar build. Unfortunately, I do not believe it exists as its not meta. For that reason, I decided to make my own.

This build is not about min/maxing. It’s a general PVE build that maximises a ranger’s effectiveness as much as possible while meeting my vision of what a ranger is, an effective marksman with a deadly companion.

The main aim is to stack power/precision stats plus fast attacks for personal dps (so the ranger is not completely useless) but mainly to proc Companions Might (CM) as often as possible. Combined with a pet inherently, skilled, and traited for high crit chance and crit damage, makes a killing machine.

Zerker Longbow with Sigil of Rage, and Sigil of Accuracy or Perception.
Zerker Sword with Sigil of Rage, and Zerker Warhorn with Sigil of Accuracy.
Zerker Armour with Runes of the Ranger.
Zerker trinkets

Jaguar: F2 Skill – According to the wiki, Stalk provides extra crit chance and crit damage, as well as the defensive utility of stealth.

4 (I, VII) / 4 (I, V) / 0 / 0 / 6 (V, VII, XII)

Troll’s Unguent, Quickening Zephyr, Signet of Stone , Sick ’Em, Rampage as One

Start with Sword/Warhorn
Pet Attack (F1) – Call of the Wild – RaO – Sick Em – Quickening Zephyr – Hunter’s Call – Switch to LB – Rapid Fire – Barrage – Stalk (F2) – Hunter’s Shot

At this point, your pet should have a big stack of might and critting often and critting hard. Whenever anything comes off cooldown, cast it, but try to time Quickening Zephyr with RaO and Rapid Shot. If you draw aggro, cast either Point Blank Shot or Hunter’s Shot.

Pet survivability is through Stalk, passive Signet of Stone (and active effect for those ‘oh crap’ moments), BM pet attribute bonus, Troll’s Unguent (which you should cast often to keep hp topped up) and Natural Healing. If still struggling for survivability or for difficult encounters, swap out Sick Em for Signet of the Wild and/or Pet Prowess for Carnivorous Appetite.

I am keen for feedback.

balanced d/d build

in Thief

Posted by: Juneau.6095


If you are talking about PvE, my favourite build so far has to be this:


This is a good build. Thing is, my thief is mainly solo PVE, so Blind on stealth in Shadow Arts has been a life saver so many times, its now mandatory for me. So Im looking at a build that has 6 in Critical strikes, 2 in Shadow Arts, some traits for Initiative regen to keep CnD going, and then more dps.
At the moment, to be honest, 4/6/4/0/0 still seems to suit me better, im just a tad bit squishy hence why I was interested in this Balanced build. maybe ill just use more valk gear and stick with the traits I got?

Otherwise the utilities and heal u’ve suggested r what I got too, so its good to hear.

balanced d/d build

in Thief

Posted by: Juneau.6095


Try wurm or scholar, yeah scholar for dps, wurm for survivability

So what traits and skills to use? i cant imagine putting points into acrobatics is worth it without the +7 dmg from 6pc Strength rune?

im currently 4/6/4/0/0 btw.

balanced d/d build

in Thief

Posted by: Juneau.6095


is there a more affordable balanced d/d build for PVE? I don’t want to spend more than ~10g on a complete rune set.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Juneau.6095


“Dude, where’s my beard” bug

Armor: Braham’s Heavy Armour
Race: Norn
Class: Warrior

Issue: The headpiece of Braham’s Heavy Armor removes beards. I don’t actually own the armor as this is essentially a deal-breaker for me and I wont spend gems on it till its fixed, but previewing it in Gemstore or pvp locker will show you what I mean.
Fairly self explanatory so I havent included a picture.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Juneau.6095


I generally don’t post on gaming forums, and certainly have never posted on these gw2 forums, but i feel it necessary to break silence due to the overwhelming disappointment I feel right now.

My first and only MMORPG experience has been vanilla WoW. I refused to play any other MMO since then because I simple dont like to grind. I dont like the frequent release of content that made current gear obsolete and necessitated grinding for the next max iLvl loot just so I can be competitive in the new dungeon/raid/battelground. This issue was compounded because I dont have a lot of time to play games and thus could not keep up.

When I heard about GW2 and its design philosophy that there is no grind and that top tier loot can be acquired by all, I was interested. I played this game and loved it. There was no sense of ‘rushing’, no urgency to get to max level just so I can stay on par with other people. I could level leisureally, level alts, or even, gasp play other games every now and then. I seriously saw this game as a long term investment. Its the first game I was prepared to play multiple times with multiple characters in PVP, PVE, WvW. Do what I want, when I want.

That has all changed now. I dont know who the developers are trying to appease, but it certainly isnt players such as my self. If this was a subscription based MMO, I would have hit the unsubscribe button by now. Will I keep playing? Yes, since its F2P. Will I buy gems or expansions from now on. Unlikely.