Showing Posts For JustInuYasha.5908:

Can anyone explain to me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustInuYasha.5908


I use to buy a ton of gems.. TONS.. I use to get banned from buying gems. However it was for protection of credit cards ( since it was the same one ). Your friend is probably lying, or bought gems out of game and got caught. They would shut her down from the gem store, they would NOT remove her from the game.. at least from my experience. I literally was sending in tickets two times a week because of my gem addiction for awhile.

She just said that it does happen and that it’s to protect Anet……. My friends are not lying. Stop assuming people are cheater yo.

Can anyone explain to me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustInuYasha.5908


why the new Holiday themed Snowflake Glider cannot be gifted?!
My best friends account had been suspended for buying their own Gem’s from the Trading Post. So instead of her risking another account suspension I figured I would simply gift them to her since I had a spare 800 Gems on my account.

Seriously not joking, their accounts were suspended for 72 hours for using the Trading Post to buy Gem too much. Can’t believe this is a thing but it is and now they rarely spend money for Gems anymore lol.

Hey Just: Did your friend submit a ticket about that suspension? It sounds really odd to me. However, I know that there are certain protections in place to protect us (and victims of identity theft) from the abuse of stolen credit cards. For example, if someone was “hacked” and his/her card numbers became known by a scammer, that person could purchase 100 upgrades and distribute them across 100 accounts before the credit card was officially flagged as stolen. So some delays are there to protect the card holder (and us) from invalid/bogus transactions.

But a legitimate buyer is always welcome to submit a ticket to ask for assistance and it’s usually given very promptly. We greatly appreciate the support that the player is wanting to give us, and we want that person to be able to get what he/she desires!

I was hoping that I’d get an an Anet employee to respond but I guess I didn’t expect them to completely ignore my question and the entire subject of this posts. The account suspension isn’t the problem here, it’s trying to avoid that suspension from happening in the future. If you don’t want people to buy things so frequently maybe you should stop releasing so much content to be purchased so frequently?!?
Also, this system should simply prevent these accounts from making purchases for a short duration until the issue is resolved, not lock out paying customers for 72 hours. lmfao

Also there are several other Gliders including the ONLY OTHER GLIDER, Exaulted Glider, in the Account Upgrades sections that is also giftable. So you logic is totally flawed there.

(edited by JustInuYasha.5908)

Can anyone explain to me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustInuYasha.5908


They are not lying. They but everything in this game legit or play the game and trade in their gold for Gems rarely. They more often just outright buy the Gems but hey that’s why the Gem store is there in the first place. It may be once card for 2 accounts but it’s two accounts that are consistently on the same IP.
The message they got was that they were flagged as suspicious for ‘spending too much money’. That they were trying ‘to scam ANet’ or some crap like that.

She isn’t afraid to buy it it’s just stupid that I cannot buy it for her once so that she doesn’t have to spend the money I already spent.

Can anyone explain to me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustInuYasha.5908


No they can play now and they can buy it. They are a couple, they use a single specific credit card for GW2 exclusively. They set a limit using that one card. They but Gems sometimes up to every other day but as frequent as twice a day on occasions like these(the holidays).
It just seemed easier to deal with to just buy it for them. Just seems completely ridiculous to no allow this item to be gifted.. lol
It would be a different story if they just disabled the ability to purchase Gems on that account until the ‘issue’ can be resolved, there’s absolutely NO need to suspend both of their account for 72 hours. Completely cut them off from the game for several days simply for GIVING THEM MONEY! lol

Can anyone explain to me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustInuYasha.5908


why the new Holiday themed Snowflake Glider cannot be gifted?!
My best friends account had been suspended for buying their own Gem’s from the Trading Post. So instead of her risking another account suspension I figured I would simply gift them to her since I had a spare 800 Gems on my account.

Seriously not joking, their accounts were suspended for 72 hours for using the Trading Post to buy Gem too much. Can’t believe this is a thing but it is and now they rarely spend money for Gems anymore lol.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustInuYasha.5908


I feel you pain man. I didn’t see your thread before I started my own. My only RL issue that kept me from getting the wings was that my internet service provider decided to poop on our house and the internet went out a little over 27 hours. I log in the following night only to see what I’ve missed. Thanks to this, I’ve basically given up on GW2 which is a shame since I’ve been playing GW2 since release and several years worth on GW1.

One day sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustInuYasha.5908


Thanks for the real response but Yea I know they will be released again, that’s why I don’t plan on playing till then. I’ll go back to Smite and Diablo3 until then. -.- Very disappointing.

One day sales

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustInuYasha.5908


I lost internet for ONE day and logged in the night after I got it turned back on, only to find out I’ve missed out on one of the best items to hit the Gem Store since the game’s release, the Black Wings.
These types of sales are the exact reason I’ve quit playing other games with similar stores and have always been happy that GW2 left special items up for around a week at least.
I refuse to play this game ore give any more money to the company until this is revised.
Thanks for reading.