(edited by Jyuno Terkar.7318)
Showing Posts For Jyuno Terkar.7318:
As long as you’re playing Nikon, you’ll get to where you want to be. It sounds to me moreso that you’re unhappy with the rate you’re getting rewards.
I’m having loads of fun in a variety of activities.
I would like to mention that it was a bit odd to run into a group quest at the end of the personal story when everything else could be accomplished solo. I’m totally for having people group together since we are talking about a MMO, but the current setup doesn’t seem engineered right for the personal story. I think it should encourage people to group up from the beginning, or at they very least scatter in more dungeon based content in the personal story. As it is, the personal story doesn’t necessitate a group until the last mission.
just open ur options menu on a huge battle in WvW and take a printscreen(press printscreen key on ur keyboard)
But oh good sir/ma’am! How can we be sure I won’t just photoshop it!
My opinion is that this would consistitute a fix. Why can’t a fix require different hardware? If you were running on a Commodore 64, your fix would obviously be to buy new hardware
Semantics I guess, but let’s not be silly
Those frame rates do seem high. What settings?
I have a comparable CPU, the i7 3770. And I have some minor fps issues with that CPU and dual GTX 670 cards. I run at max settings on a 1080p display. My fps drops as low as 40 fps in some areas. I think I would average over 80 fps, but I have not done a long duration test. I can hit over 120fps in some areas, but that’s not the norm.
The worst I have seen is the main sylvania area ( intentionally mispelling.) Seems like some vantages with open space and a long distance to distance objects hammer the system. Unfortunately, I have a locked i7, so I can’t test to see if more clock would help. It definitely seems to be boosting to the limits of the CPU (mildly overclocked via bclk)
I have attempted to figure out what the load is on all 8 cores, but I have not quite figured that out yet. I suspect in some areas, the game IS CPU bound.
Currently on high settings from what I remember. At work at the moment, but I can forward you the exact settings later today.
I had originally wanted to spring for the i7 3770 as well, but after doing some reading and having a few conversations with some people, I decided to go for the model I have now. From what I understand, the hyperthreading and virtual cores on the 3770 can actually be detrimental for gaming.
You can doubt as much as you like, just puttin’ out there what the improvement has been after spending a bit of cash.
So you won’t mind uploading a video to YouTube then of you in the middle of a giant WvW battle showing 90 fps
If you’d like definitive proof, feel free to send me over a camera so I can record my screen. Let’s not taint with FRAPS or other screen capture software.
It’s not a fix… you just got lucky getting a setup that didn’t have the same problems.
I did some research, kept in mind what my needs were and what some of the expected problems were, shopped parts, assembled machine, played games. What you’re saying implies that it’s a roulette wheel as to whether someone’s machine can play GW2 well or not.
Yeah, I’m sure everyone who has FPS issues is going to go build a new computer to be able to play a $60 game.
You didn’t “fix” your fps issue. As someone else said, you just bought new hardware.
I did state that I’d been considering upgrading my machine for a few months, which puts my consideration before the release of GW2. It was a further nudge though when I encountered the FPS problems that others also seemed to be experiencing.
As for new parts not being a fix…
It is a fix. It’s just not the fix you want.
90 FPS in WvWvW……….with a GTX560Ti………….suuuuuure.
And btw,you didn’t fix anything,you just bought new hardware.Misleading title is misleading.
I’m sorry that me fixing my FPS problem by getting better parts isn’t a fix in your book. Not much I can do about that though.
You can doubt as much as you like, just puttin’ out there what the improvement has been after spending a bit of cash.
As with a number of people, I was also having low FPS issues with GW2. Reduced the game to it’s lowest settings but was only managing at best 10 FPS in WvWvW. Wasn’t very thrilled with it as WvWvW is my main interest, but it was a nudge for me to go ahead and get the parts I needed.
Prior to upgrade (Open World – 25 Frames Per Second /// WvW – 10 Frames Per Second):
AMD Athlon II X2
8 Gigs DDR2 RAM
GTX 560Ti (306.23 WHQL)
Of the benchmarks I ran, the results came back saying this particular setup would be more than enough to run Guild wars 2. Course the reality, as others have seen, is that GW2 will run, just not run well enough.
I had been considering upgrading my machine for a few months, but Guild Wars 2 hadn’t made me consider my CPU as the thing to upgrade until I had started reading about the game being more bound to the CPU. Also the fact that the 6xx nvidia cards seemed to be having issues seemed to also suggest that upgrading my video card wasn’t going to be the way to increase performance. So I ventured out to my local (1 hour drive away) Fry’s Electronics where I bought up a few parts to improve performance:
Intel Core i5 3570K
MSI Z77A-G45 LGA 1155 (Motherboard)
16 Gigs Corsair Vengeance DDR3
A new motherboard was necessary since the one I was using couldn’t support a Quad-Core CPU, which in turn meant I needed new RAM as well since my DDR2 wouldn’t work with the new Motherboard. The GTX 560Ti remains in the system, as the card is still rated as being more than enough for most games these days.
Booted it up, reinstalled what I needed (anti-virus and drivers), and immediately started up Guild Wars 2. I’ll tell you what, huge difference! My Frames Per Second are now 120 in open world, 90 in WvWvW when faced with large crowds of people while on High Settings.
Total System is:
Windows 7 Professional (64 bit)
Intel Core i5 3570K (Stock)
MSI Z77A-G45 LGA 1155 (Motherboard)
16 Gigs Corsair Vengeance DDR3 (Stock)
nVidia GTX 560Ti (306.23 WHQL, Stock)*Stock denotes no Overclocking on my part, all parts are out of the box and into the computer as they were from the manufacturer.
Course this brings up the point for those that can’t throw money at their FPS problem.
I hope ArenaNet can optimize it for you folks, but I wouldn’t expect any massive increase in performance when/if optimization patches come out. Chances are you may see a bump in performance, but nothing that’s going to make WvW or large encounters in the world suddenly playable. I wanted to share this particular experience though as it’s improved the quality of my own play (across multiple games) and you should work towards it as well.