Showing Posts For Kadzait.4023:

Post your Charr character!

in Charr

Posted by: Kadzait.4023


Dusk Swiftwill, Guardian.

…He’s new.


Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: Kadzait.4023


I like Tyron a lot better than last name Silvermead, so… 8/10.
9/10 for Skaadr Steamfury, I can see a Chaar Engi named like that.

So, mine – recently created and with no idea how to give Charrs names despite checking out the interwebs – is…

Dusk Swiftwill of the Blood Legion. Dusk grew up with a sense of duty and loyalty with the friends he made in the fahrar. In addition, he had the magic common among Guardians. ‘Swift’ was derived from how fast Dusk was able to gather an effective warband (according to those who did not believe the rumor later explained) and ‘Will’ was his own naming, for it was will that powered his actions both in battle and out. ‘Dusk’ was the time period in which his father and mother first met (I need to flesh out the name more). It was believed that Dusk was the one who united Maverick, Clawspur, Euryale, Dinky, and (his sparring partner) Reeva, but the legionnaire Urvan Steelbane, legionnaire of Blood Legion, took credit for the unified six (counting Dusk) due to their popularity as a diverse (mix of offense, magic, defense, and stealth) yet effective warband.

Still fleshing out the background and whether I want to keep the name or not.

I’m still early with Guardian Dusk, so if I for some odd reason become unsatisfied, I can delete him without much loss.