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Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Kagome.1250


I am sorry, you state that you have stated above enough. I disagree.

You also haven’t addressed that it isn’t a punishment. There IS no penalty. There are limitations. Which in my opinion are fine. We disagree on the limitations being fine.

I find the limitations fair.

You also didn’t address my statements regarding EOTM, which, again, is NOT World vs World. Until it becomes that, it should not (and Anet has stated as such) get the same rewards as a world vs world specific skin.

As to your claim of ‘punishments’: what are the punishments? What do they lose? What game play featured and advantages do they miss out on? Ranking allows you additional assistance in WvW. It should be integral in any system.

Quite frankly, the limitations (which by any definition is what they are) encourage you to be a more contributing member to the world va world format by increasing your WvW attributes.

Okay, that’s no problem. I’ll try to explain again why I personally think it is punishing for many people.
The issue here is that people will always try to get the Outnumbered buff when playing WvW and are afk most of the time. I can’t even complain about these people, because that’s the most logical and rewarding thing to do at the moment. This behaviour though is harmful for the whole WvW experience and punishes people in a way that it makes it impossible to play the game mode intensely like before. World vs. World relies heavily on teamplay but with the current aquisition of pips people are not interested in playing competitively anymore like they did before – at least not to this extent. People are missing out on many activities throughout the maps, because there are not enough people who care and are impossible to do alone. I think it’s kind of a punishment too if I don’t get the same rewards as other people for actively playing and contributing. It should be the other way around.

And why should I say anything about your opinion regarding Edge of the Mists? It’s okay, I don’t want to attack it. We just have completely different opinions of what Edge of the Mists is/should be. For me the stated similarities are enough for it to be considered a WvW map, for you they are not. But as EotM is now, there’s no reason for people to actually go there.

(edited by Kagome.1250)

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Kagome.1250


No. I think the system is fine. Yes something should be done about those who afk to collect rewards. Other than that I feel the system is more than fair.

Hello! Can you please explain why you think the system in its current state is fair? I’d love to hear the reasoning behind it. People just say it is good how it is, but are not giving any reasonable explanations for me to understand. Thanks.

No. give the current system 6 months. Then look at its problems. Nothing in the current system is harmful, nor are the skins integral in ANY game mode. They are shinies.

I am kind of tired of saying the current system punishes people. There is NOTHING that punishes people for playing. Not gaining shinies isn’t punishing. It isn’t even penalizing.

I’ve stated above enough why the system in it’s current state is severely harmful and punishing for players. I’ve also never mentioned anything about skins or other specific “shinies”. I’d love for people to really have a look at my post and answer and discuss about it accordingly. Thank you! x3

(edited by Kagome.1250)

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Kagome.1250


EDIT: Please note that this post is NOT only a complaint about people receiving rewards in an unreasonable timeframe, it’s to show and make people understand what a negative impact the system has on the behaviour and play style of other people!

Hello everybody! :)
There have been many posts regarding the recent WvW patch stating various opinions already, but none of them I’ve read stated my opinion a 100%. World vs. World – as it is now – has so many grave problems that I think it’s necessary to change the Pip system as it is working now to not ruin the WvW experience in the fullrun again.
Don’t get me wrong: The system in general is a great idea and a good way to make WvW profitable, but the acquisition of pips is severely flawed.

What it does at the moment:

  • Punishing WvW interested and active people with lower ranks or people on servers with lower population. They are obtaining far lesser pips than higher rank people to an extent that playing in WvW is not profitable at all for them.
  • Promoting jumping from one map to another to achieve the Outnumbered buff, because it is the only way to make noticeable progress for these people.
  • Promoting playing solo-handedly and not helping out where help would be needed, because the punishment for switching maps and helping out is far too great.

What it should do:

  • Promoting ACTIVE play. This can be achieved by reducing the pips for the Outnumbered buff to 1, but giving out more pips to people who actively contribute in trying to win the current skirmish, adding them up to a decent amount without the Outnumbered buff active. This includes:

    • obtaining different objectives
    • killing enemy players
    • supporting to obtain higher tier objectives by defending them and escorting dolyaks
    • preventing the enemy to obtain higher tier objectives by killing dolyaks and turning objectives over again
    • scouting, which could be handled similar to the participation system for WvW tracks

    Capturing higher objectives like keeps or castles should reward more pips than obtaining lower ones like guards, ruins or camps or escorting and killing dolyaks, but still be profitable overall. Also capturing higher tier objectives should reward more pips than obtaining lower tier ones.

    I think it is important to support both: bigger zergs with commanders AND roamer/small groups, because they are equally important for the full WvW experience and obtaining higher scores.
  • I think it is okay for people, who have been dedicated to WvW for years now, to be able to obtain pips faster than others who don’t have as many ranks. To have them rewarded in some way is nice. What is NOT okay though is overlooking all the other players who hardly get any rewards without playing the whole day with the Outnumbered buff active, even though they enjoy the gamemode and really want to make an impact in achieving the highest score possible.

With all that said: All I want WvW to be is a fun and enjoyable place, to play together with others as a team, actually discuss tactics throughout maps and try making all the Borderlands ours whilst feeling rewarded for it. At least this is how I feel it should be, but it is impossible with the system in its current state and never will be, if the pips stay the way they are now.

Edge of the Mists:

I know my opinion regarding this is far away from what the majority of players think, because there have been problems in the past I am well aware of. For me EotM is still a full-fledged WvW map though and should also reward pips by active playing. The map is not much different from the Borderlands. It’s just a different WvW mode in which different servers fight combined against others. The idea is the same though! People capture different objectives to obtain points for their colour and fight enemy players to prevent them from doing so. I’m okay with running in a zerg there, but I’ve also tried roaming in Edge of the Mists with friends before and it worked out totally fine. It’s just that people see EotM as a brainless Karma/Level farm because of its past, but it doesn’t have to be. It depends on people what to make of this map. And if the acquisition of pips feels easier or faster than on the other WvW maps, there’s always the possibility to correct that in lowering the amount people gain to balance it out like the participation system. And here again: Certain objectives should reward higher pips than others.

For comparison:

What do other WvW maps have what EotM doesn’t?

  • dolyaks, higher tier objectives and tactivators
  • Stonemist Castle in the Eternal Battlegrounds
  • camps which give out supplies like reactors do in EotM
  • shrines and ruins

What does EotM have what other WvW maps don’t?

  • Altar/Observatory/Statuary/Shrine/Bell Tower/Forge/Wurm Tunnel/Airport/Workshop with some of them giving out unique items, buffs, skills and transformations helping achieving your goals. Champions are also more unique like the ones on the Desert Borderlands.
  • reactors which give out supplies like camps do
  • There are bridges on this map you can destroy to actually hinder enemies. ~cough, cough~

I really hope the system gets changed one day in a way it’s fair for everybody enjoying the game mode. I know there are many different opinions about it and they are as vast as people themselves. You can totally disagree with me or agree with me partly, but please don’t be offended if this is not how you imagine WvW to be. It’s just my opinion and how I think it would reduce the current problems with the new pip system.

I hope you’ll have a great day/a good night wherever you are.

(edited by Kagome.1250)