Showing Posts For Kaibhan.4216:
Auto-attacks are different in this game compared to others. Most auto-attacks in most games are a single attack filler to be essentially ignored while playing. In this game auto-attacks are essentially 3 skills the last of which usually has an added effect. It would be acceptable to make wanting to finish the auto attack chain once started preferable within the rotation irregardless of what’s come off cool down during the chain.
Except not every auto is an attack chain. Especially not on ele.
Had you kept reading you would of seen me address that a bit and give an example of it being ok. The whole point of my post is that the variety is more important than providing one actual way for auto-attacks. Fun is subjective and each player finds something different to be fun. There is no right way to do auto-attacks. Players need characters that provide a variety of ways to do them as an mmo’s game design will have differences to make different classes appeal to more people.
Auto-attacks are different in this game compared to others. Most auto-attacks in most games are a single attack filler to be essentially ignored while playing. In this game auto-attacks are essentially 3 skills the last of which usually has an added effect. It would be acceptable to make wanting to finish the auto attack chain once started preferable within the rotation irregardless of what’s come off cool down during the chain.
Auto-attacks don’t HAVE to be better that the other skills. They could be very well be the primary skill to be used while the other skills enhance and provide utility. Look at a D/F build in Air; the auto attack does the damage but every other skill in the set up provides utility that provides interesting decisions. I wouldn’t want to use that set up for dungeon running mind you but it is a viable way to set up a weapon combo for other areas of the game.
I have a human mesmer at 80 I enjoyed the hell out of the class but it just felt a little off. I rolled an asura mesmer that is now at 63ish and it’s perfection. The aesthetics of the asura race + mesmer awesomeness = perfection imo.
I hate to be the guy that says check the stickies but seriously dude check the stickies. Your gear choices are dependent upon build and your weapons as well, so peruse those well written stickies to get an idea of a build similar to how you like to play and go from there.
I was on BG and we were doing well then all of them HOD people rolled over destroying our decent queues and taking all the fun out of WvW. So I figured if they can transfer and ruin my wvw I can transfer and get it back with minimal effort. So I left and am having a great time again it what may be the closest match I’ve seen to date in T1.
Most fun I’ve had in WvW since it came out awesome grouping.
Pardon me my years on the internet have jaded me to thinking you were just trolling. I totally forgot about that movie. Rest assured I face palmed myself so hard my three year old asked what’s wrong.
sanctum of rall rallied pretty well today. nothing is over until we decide it is…..was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
If/when the Germans ever bomb Pearl Harbor we can answer that troll.
I may be a nobody but I was on BG since about 2 min after the head start opened and it’s time to go. WvW is no fun when it’s like this. Wonder how NS is doing these days.