Showing Posts For Kaira.1296:
I’m sorry, but the Wolf Totem has to be one of the coolest things you can craft in the game so far, but it’s missing something.
Skill 4 needs to be a “Howl” – It doesn’t need to do anything, just be there.
Also, 5 minutes is a little short. Found myself turning back into a Charr and shooting the critters with my rifle rather than eating them. Though, that’s really not much of an improvement… Poor critter.
Kudos guys, I’m having loads of fun with the new content.
I know the feeling Serelisk, I’m an altaholic too…, sitting at 21 characters now T_T
Oh my gosh I’m not the only one- I notice this happened to you months ago, it just hit me last week- were you able to fix it? I know it has to be on my end somehow because I can sell things if I log onto my moms computer— But I want to be able to toss my stuff on the market without the hassle of logging into another computer >< Please please let me know what became of your bug. Thanks so much for your time~
Just got trapped in one myself at “Legacy of the Foefire”, Still managed to get my Daily PvP reward from that match even though it kicked me for inactivity- So I’m a little less flustered lol.
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
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Posted by: Kaira.1296
So far, I’ve noticed- Frostgorge, Cursed Shore, and Kessex. Keeping this in mind I bet Hirathi will be comprimised as well. GrrRrRRrRr I just want to do my map completion…
Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Kaira.1296
My mom got the ban hammer eariler. Now, reading all of this… I’m terrified to log back on. lol