Showing Posts For Kaisera.7180:

LF Guild - 80 Ele

in Guilds

Posted by: Kaisera.7180


Hello! I’m getting very frustrated lately. Most of the guilds that I’ve gotten invited to, rarely do any work together or have events listed. I have a very hectic work schedule that makes my game time very odd with no consistency to when I’ll be on and playing.

I have not done any Dungeons, although I would like to find a good group to do them with. I don’t really want to shout for them, as you never really know what kind of players you will get and their attitudes towards newer players of an aspect of the game.

I have done a little of WvW, but find I lack the talent for it (or perhaps the few times I’ve done it I’ve had bad luck).

I am on Jade Quarry. If you know of a guild that has weekly events and a good group of mature players, please let me know.
