Showing Posts For Kalafax.9185:

Exploitable Bug Caught in Action: Abusing the Character on screen limit.

in WvW

Posted by: Kalafax.9185


Explioting a technically issue is still an expliot no matter how you try to defend your tactics. Blaming it on Anet doesnt make it ok.

Spawn camping isnt explioting, it just shows you have no honor or style.

Gate of Madness Guild Alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Kalafax.9185


Sent you a PM, [Toke] has been waiting for an alliance to form.

No reward for playing Support/Healer

in WvW

Posted by: Kalafax.9185


I gotta agree, as a support player I spend my time running supplys, building defensive siege, scouting, and dropping tons of cash to help upgrade camps/forts/keeps, which is a huge asset to the team, yet I dont get rewarded for most of this because Im not in the front lines fighting.

Sorry but for WvW to work you need people willing to stick around and defend forts and supply camps, people protecting the dollys, people running supply lines from camps to starved forts, AND people in the front lines fighting. Very few people want to stick around when your not get rewarded, server pirde as a reward is just a joke, sure its a joke I go for, but Im in the minority.

I noticed that I started getting an event reward when an Upgrade finishes, which is a step forward, the people who pay for an upgrade should get rewarded when it completes because they are contributing to the whole server, not everyone needs to be rewarded, just that person putting out the money.

As for Dolly running, I have to admit getting rid of the reward has made the Dolly Protection service pathetic, its now become a forced event that we dont get rewarded for, somehow the MOST important thing in the battlegrounds gives no reward, this is unacceptable. Reward us only if the place needs supplys, reward us only if we kill something that has actively attacked the Dolly, you dont even have to give XP or Karma, but Money is something that needs to be rewarded as WvW is the biggest money sink in the game and your repairs easily outweight any silver rewards you get for 3 or 4 events combined.

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: Kalafax.9185


According to the rankings posted Crystal Desert is facing servers +3 and +4 above us, yet we are winning.

Yes, your beating Gates of Madness, the server that has been doubled teamed for the past 3 matchs, and doesnt have nearly the PvP population to face the higher up tiers that we get faced with constantly. We get points because we have certain peak times where we have a sizable PvP population, but after about 4 or 5 hour window we are back to a very small force while the servers we face literally cover the entire field, and not just EB, all the borderlands aswell.

Sorry but when you can cover basicly all of all of the borderlands and the eternal battlegrounds, there is a huge issue.

One server shouldnt be allowed to have more in a match then anotherif this kinda crap is going to continue.