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Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kani.5634


Or mindlessly grinding 1000s of ores and leveling 100 times over for an aesthetic slightly flashier weapon.

Yes because running a “raid” (highly scripted boss fight where everyone facerolls the keyboard) 1000s of times is SOOOO much different.

… losing faith in people on the internet.

Completing challenging heroics, fighting epic bosses (Scripted is a problem to you? ALL THESE GAMES ARE SCRIPTED…. ALL GAMES ARE SCRIPTED AT THE CORE.) and having the thrill of awesome random drops, and unlockables, titles…

Isn’t generally more fun than … going around Orr…. mining veins for 100s of hours…. to get a weapon that looks slightly better than the rest, has no more power …… just 1 weapon… not a completely revamped character with cool unlocks… just 1 weapon…. to signify you grinding materials and effortless “scripted mobs” for 100s of hours..

Man I wish you would make an MMO, I’m sure people would flock to it.

reminds me of Vanilla WoW endgame:

want epics? kill 10000000 yetis for the darkmoon faire necklace, and then wait literally for a month for the darkmoon faire to appear near thunderbluff

want something cool and useless? kill 100000000 bears for the trinket who sumons three bears that do nothing, live for 10 seconds and have a 10 minute cooldown.

level skinning at max? run UBRS until your fingers bleed for a chance of The Beast to drop an item that will get ninja’d for someone who isnt a skinner.

oh.. the good old days

Comparing, dungeon gear to random outside grinds? at least WoW gave you MANY options.

Im sorry, its a childish arguement, if you dont like PvE thats fine, but cut the rubbish….. you can make any mode of a game sound horrible by doing what you are doing.

Im done with you, its just too childish. and for starters THIS ISNT VANILLA WOW, you telling me you think you have a case when you are comparing a 2012 game to the design philosophy of a 2004 game not the 2012 expansion which is massivly different?

Your making Guild Wars sound worse mate.

Im sorry but I was too bored to get to the endgame in Cata and Im too old for the kung fu Panda Bears. You are the one comparing mining 10000 of ores for end game crafting and saying its a grind fest.

Go back to WoW to see if you can catch your carrot this time. The GW2 devs already said that PvE endgame content is coming so instead of complaining, read the links about it.

Too old for Pandas huh, cuz GW2 story is so freaking mature and original.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kani.5634


Yes there is farm and grind for gear and alot. You can also get better gear and stats then other people and you are vastly superior in WvW if you are 80 and have exotic armor, it just not happen in spvp which is probably the less fun part of the game.

Let me explain, we have like weeks of game out right? Compared with another mmos I do not think GW2 have grind at all so for sure it’s not A LOT lol, there’s another games that I need like a weeks and weeks if not a month or more just to get the armor I NEED to be “something” compared with others, to be the one of the"best", MONTHS and months and months.
From what I know they use different ways to put the status within the “rare” armors but not OP stats, like in other games where a “rare” armors can DESTROY a normal one with a few hits.

Are you even level 80 yet? because if you are you should know that the endgame is more grindy than most MMO’s out there.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kani.5634


No I cant.
Best points:
Not gear based
No ridiculous WoW raids style
Not FARM to OP gears, just “skin” (I know theres people how love to be better than other, but not with skills, just with a higher stat. lol Sorry but its just horrible, and make no sense at all, for sure you need to get a life and see how impossible is to get closer to a non life player in another mmo.)
Combat action with some old style touch, better than pure action.

And the better: Not force you to have a tanker, priest or DMG dealer.
I like to play the way I want, with freedom. I could NEVER get back to a system that says me what role I MUST fill and just that.

Yes there is farm and grind for gear and alot. You can also get better gear and stats then other people and you are vastly superior in WvW if you are 80 and have exotic armor, it just not happen in spvp which is probably the less fun part of the game.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kani.5634


I don’t want to but i’d probably be playing some WoW this month, GW2 was awesome until lvl80 but after it’s really a lackluster, DEs are great when you’re leveling but they get old and repetitive after a while, the PvP is good but i expected more from what people say about GW being so pvp centered, the WvW is really impressive, but SPVP is not really fun, i mean i like BGs but there’s really only one mode of it and imo the less fun of them (AB), I also dislike the way you have to join it like a FPS game. But it was the dungeons that disappointed me the most, they’re simply horrible, people there are just trying their best to bug out bosses and make it as quick and painless as possible because there’s just no challenge or complexity to them, it’s just graveyard zerging or 5 minutes shooting a boss from a distance, outrageously bad mechanics, I’ve yet to meet somebody that actually enjoins the PVE in this game.

Remove the holy trinity and what do you get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kani.5634


The removal of the Holy Trinity is interesting for PVP but not so much for PVE especially the concept of tanking, there should definitely be a tanking spec for some of the classes with the ability to hold aggro. Also i don’t know if Anet tested their dungeons enough to notice that they are horrible boring and unbalanced, forcing everyone to go ranged and dodge some random aoe, some bosses you don’t even have to do the dodging thing, like that last one from TA explorable that is a giant tree thing , you basically stand there shooting your ranged weapon until it dies, how is that fun at all?