Toon: Karakoth – LV80 Necromancer
Guild: NP
I dont want to get into the who has more numbers and better skills war here.
I just want to say thx to all 3 servers for the best Match up in months.
And eventhough FS and UW are ahead on points it’s RoF that is the only server with + in evolution atm due to the fact we did so bad last week ;o)
In the end it seems we all 3 do great this week, seeing so far noone move up or down atm.
Keep it up and we’ll all fight each other again during next week =)
Ahh ok so Siege limit I see. And like maloki said, maybe you just hit it yourself on that particular area. Wall sections don’t take that much siege anyways, three carts and you are pretty much done with that section of wall.
And no, I don’t think UW does anything like that.
On a new note tho. Thanks to RoF in our border we kinda paniced. My thanks go especially to [NP] Night Pact for the fun. Taking our Garrison and all.
But the wierd part was that the Garrison was not contested when I heard in my VoIP “Garrison Inner gate under siege”. Like my whole bunch of friends and I could waypoint easily back into Garrison. And when I started my futile try to build that one ballista the waypoint was still available and you were bounding the gate? Did you guys notice that it didnt go contested?
Fair fight anyhow. Thank god we finally got you all out, maybe you went to sleep or something, I don’t know :P
The WP opens up on each reset of siege event. So every few minutes you have a few seconds to port there.
On the other hand I have also experienced times when Garrison RoF was under siege and we could still port there. Bug maybe.
The UW Blitzkrieg was purely as punishment for you medling in us fighting with FS when FS had 3-400 points each tick. Seems like you only swooped in when we where sieging FS elsewhere. Legit opportunitism but it came with a vengeance ;o)
RoF didnt hold your lands long though, seeing we only wanted to destroy upgrades and send a message ;o)
Well i think everyone has similar stories, except for the naked stuff maybe :p
I always promote fair fights, 1vs1 , 2vs1 if needed. or 1+npcs vs 3 or something like that.
I have been ganked a lot by people not looking for a nice fight, maybe they were just in gankmode or had something else to do and i was just in their way, i’ll never know.But i also had some very nice fights already the whole weekend.
Yesterday i saw an RoF and UW thief have a duel, was just watching from a distance, untill an RoF guardian came to mess up the duel, so i went in, killed the guardian and continued watching :p
Didnt see who won though, they were stealthing everywhere so i gave up eventually and went on with roaming.
Hm I had a similar fight. Might have been my thief alt.
She’s stealth/avoidance specced and so was the UW opponent, so was a boring long fight and in the end I think I ran off. =)
UW is a PvE server so we have a lot of players doing Xmas events.
You will notice our population going up and down as we run alliance events, unfortunately our server is slow to adopt server wide leadership so its making it a bit harder to fill up the borderlands on weekends.
That’s like the exact same description for RoF =)
Dunno why this thread was locked but I’d like to reply to Nidoggs “RoF necro” comment =)
Might have been me one of the necros doing the massive marks.
+1708 Condition damage makes your bleeds and poison do wonders to ppl on walls =)
Just look for the DAD tag on a necro next time. It’s a one man guild, so it’s either my necro or my thief you’ll see =)
And great fights all around. GH seems to be just as low on numbers during the weekend as RoF, but you guys have some decent ninjas. AG have alot of numbers and seem to responds fast, getting reinf from other borders just as we are about to knock down a gate. Cant say how many times we’ve been ambushed by a new zerg just as we entered gate.
RoF seems a bit empty this weekend compared to last. But hope weekdays will be our turf =)
haha awesome vid Hawkeii =)
Again. Come to RoF guys =)
RoF has some pretty dedicated awesome WvW guilds, but we lack the numbers to fight bigger servers.
If you’d join us on RoF, the amount of dedicated WvW’ers would increase and RoF could easily go past mid tiers of the ladder.
And what happend to WS this week?
You beat RoF before and went up the ladder, but this week WS are low in numbers and when they have the numbers they are headless chicken seldom actually giving the time to build siege equipment. Dzag (DE) actually provides more of a resistance than WS with even less numbers =(
I do it to people that have done it to me before. They deserve it.
Otherwise, you have to be a really sore loser to alt + f4 just because you lost a fight. Or got caught by a zerg.
Say what?
You cant see name tags in WvW of the enemy, so how do you know this person did it before or do you just punish an entire enemy server for a few fools that did this to you?
This flawed logic is how wars and hatred can keep on going for years. In the end noone knows who started and why.
I laugh at people doing this, because i know it will take them longer to get back into the fight. This way I take you out for a few minutes. You have to log back in, enter WvW and run all the way to the middle or north of the map again. Instead of dying with honor and hope a friend res’ you or spawn fast and run back asap to help said friends.
PI run a Golem farm.
They never seem to run out of them :o)
Come to RoF. We have same problem.
If we merge servers we might have about the numbers UW and the others run with =)
That was mostly the ICON guild from ROF that did the Golem ninja.
I tagged along with a few randoms.
Fun times =)
But RoF is seriously undermanned in WvW lately.
Feels like UW can muster the same amount on each map that RoF can on all maps together.
Those 30-40+ zergs you have running around are a pain, but we try.
Just watch out for the ICON tags :o)
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