Showing Posts For Karl L.8924:
This would be a nice feature to have and I would gladly like have access to such a feature.
I am also missing valuable agony resistance because i can’t infuse my rings. SOME information about this would be nice.
Information on whether they are looking into this issued would be nice.
This needs to be fixed as it is preventing the making of different forms of mist essence. Which in turn is making it harder to infuse items.
This fix is directed at the male set since it has by far the most issues with it.
Support would be much appreciated as this is unacceptable for the most expensive armor in the game. Here is my post in the game bug forum as the visual issues thread is no longer being made.
This is not acceptable for one of the most expensive sets of armor in the game. A set of armor that is bought for the visuals.
Anyways more clipping to be found. As well as an interesting find.
The lower half of the armor set clearly has a big chunk missing compared to that of an unarmored Asura.
You can’t ignore those of us who play a male Asura and only give the ones who play females what they want.
Bump. This issue still persists. Female version is still unbroken and would definitely look good as a replacement for this visually broken version.
The male version of the armor needs to be fixed before anything else is done with the set.
It is time the Asuran T3 light armor gets fixed. (Also known as Savant armor.) This is more specifically about the male version as there are way too many visual problems for a set of armor that one gets for the visuals… I recall an attempt at fixing the female version of the armor by giving it the male model. Those with female Asura quickly rose up to request it be changed back to its previous version. All the issues that had shown up on this “new” female model were already readily available on the male version. You have since changed the female version back to its really well modeled “npc” version. (I call it the “npc” version because it is the same or almost similar version to what one can find on Zojja.) It is time that us with male Asura and the T3 armor get a well modeled version of the armor.
All images are attached to this post.
Image 1:
Here is an image that shows the clipping which happens with the legs. As you can see there is clipping with the legs as well as a weird lump on the left (your left) side of the armor right next to the characters right hand. The clipping persists through almost any action whether the legs move or not. It becomes very annoying if you are one who likes to check out that nice armor you just bought for 100g+.
Image 2:
This one might be harder to see but there is a decent sized gap between where the legs and the torso meet. this gap can be seen around the most of the front half of the armor set. It gets smaller and less noticeable as you make your from the characters left hand to right hand.
Image 3:
This last images shows the stretching issues with the shoulders. Not much to be said about this one as it is clearly obvious.
These are problems that need to be amended. The quickest way to do so would be to give the male Asura population access to the female model. However this means that the male chest armor would lose its shoulder pieces. (Shoulder pieces that are tied to the chest armor and not an individual piece like they should be.) The loss of the shoulders is minor considering the fact that they cause quite a bit of visual issues. It is about time this be fixed.
Heres a post by someone suffering from the same issue:
And heres a post detailing the changes that happened to the female armor (which has since been reverted):
Those bugs ONLY affect the male t3 light armor as of currently and no you aren’t the only one who has the problem. Most people who have the armor are female asura so they don’t have any problems with the armor because females use a completely different model than males.
Still bugged for me. The most annoying thing, however, is the weird gap between the leggings and the chest-piece and the shoulder bug (when my character moves their arm in any direction but the default position [right shoulder from the back]).
Once those two are fixed, I’ll be a happy camper. I can provide screenshots if you need em.
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Class: Necromacner/Elementalist
I am currently wearing T3 cultural light armor (Savant) on my male Asura. I’m linking Rayti’s post because he/she goes over all the issues in greater detail than I ever could. The most effective fix would be to give the Male Asura the same armor model that the Females get and then work off that model in order to get the shoulders in working order.
Rayti’s post:
If you actually read what we said instead of immediately speaking your mind without knowing what you are talking about, you’d know that clipping is just one of many issues.
I’m sorry I forgot about the tearing and the stretching… oh and not to mention the HUGE hole on the left side of the leggings (when looking down). If you guys can’t look past some of the small problems then an MMO isn’t for you.
I like how you all are complaining about something that us male Asura have had to already deal with. Get over it. Learn to look past the clipping like I have and many others.
They should have just changed the male armor to that of the females. Instead of the inverse. At least we all can deal with the clipping issues now.
There is a bump on the right side of the robe of the Asuran cultural tier 3 light armor (Savant armor). I played around with the make over kit and it appears to happen to all male body types. It appears in a way to be rigged to the right hand. There is also some clipping with the right leg popping out from the bottom of the robe and this is most notable on the smallest male body type (second on the top row) and appears to disappear as the body types get bigger.
Here’s my Asura Elementalist! My only complaint about the T3 light armor is that there’s a lot of clipping and it drives me nuts. Still my favorite armor though.