Showing Posts For Karmiel.1065:

Support tickets not being answered?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


Same here I was just kicked off the servers with no explanation summited a ticketed and still not response. Not happy.

TP Errors: there is an error [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


Trading post error trading.

When trying to list or sale any mat or Item.

Fix please

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


250 is good thank you.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


I have never seen a game start dieing so fast. Just saying ANet needs to reply ASAP

Why are the hero points so hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


Also the map system is currently broken leaving maps with less players making them feel empty, once that is fixed it will be super easy.

Has this been confirmed? I find it odd that the game has not even been out for a week and I am the only one at events but I have not seen anything that says this is a bug with the maps.

I have been on some empty maps also. Would like to know if this is true or are people already not playing the maps?

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


I sat at a Hero point for 3 hours waiting for people to come do it yesterday.

Maybe because some of us don’t have the time to invest

Anyone else spot a slight contradiction in these two statements hehe?

3 hours? Really? I’ve told you a million times not to exaggerate…

I took a day off work to have an extra day to play the release. That bother you? Troll much?

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


Maps are already emptying. I sat at a Hero point for 3 hours waiting for people to come do it yesterday. The maps are already losing players. Maybe because some of us don’t have the time to invest like allot of the children posting here do.

Why would you passively sit anywhere for three hours in game?

Every time I’ve called out in map, “hey, I’m doing x” people have come. Every. Single. Time. I’m not that popular. I’m not on as much anymore, RL is busy these days, but if anyone needs advice or help and I’m not in WvW I’ll gladly lend a hand where I can.

Actually I did some events while waiting on people to show up but the 4 I found doing the event that did try to help were wiped. The maps are already getting low on people. And many are doing their own things I can not make them come do the HP.

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


Maps are already emptying. I sat at a Hero point for 3 hours waiting for people to come do it yesterday. The maps are already losing players. Maybe because some of us don’t have the time to invest like allot of the children posting here do.

Guild Wars 2: Heart Of Thoughtless Grinds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


Azorean, I guess you have not read any of the posts here. It is a grindiest version of GW to have ever been released.

Guild Wars 2: Heart Of Thoughtless Grinds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


How I am feeling about this now. If you plan to solo anything forget it. So after a nice long day at work and you are ready to sit down and enjoy GW2 you can return to work inside the HOT.

The game changed into a grind-fest – Grind to get mastery to get more grinding to get more mastery so we can grind some more to get more mastery to grind some more to just do the story line. Then rinse and repeat to get Specializations Grind to get mastery to get more grinding to get more mastery so we can grind some more to get more mastery to grind some more grind to get mastery to get more grinding to get more mastery so we can grind some more to get more mastery to grind some more grind to get mastery to get more grinding to get more mastery so we can grind some more to get more mastery to grind some more grind to get mastery to get more grinding to get more mastery so we can grind some more to get more mastery to grind some more grind to get mastery to get more grinding to get more mastery so we can grind some more to get more mastery to grind some more grind to get mastery to get more grinding to get more mastery so we can grind some more to get more mastery to grind some more.

This is what I am reading all over the internet in the reviews. So it is not just a few people feeling this way.

I totally hate the feel of the game now. And may just boycott the HoT altogether.

(edited by Karmiel.1065)

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


Data may show more players online during Saturday. However, I am sure this does not reflect the social activities for the Friday night reset.

Friday reset is for many of us the one night for years, we have set aside to come together socially and play.

Don’t take this from us. Friday counts as a weekend day to almost all of the GW2 community Don’t take this day from us.

Don’t take our Friday reset – Change to Saturday until the bugs are worked out and please switch it back.

Some of us have based even our work contracts to reflect this time free to participate.

So upsetting.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Karmiel.1065


*BAD**BAD**BAD**BAD* Idea !!! This could be one of the worst changes, I have ever seen done.

WvW reset night should not be changed. Who had this bright idea?


We like RESET nights as it is. DO NOT CHANGE IT. We all pay for this game and this should have been a community decision.

What are you thinking??

Big stinking no from me.