Showing Posts For Karnage.3156:

Guild Wars 2 Competitive Game Analysis

in PvP

Posted by: Karnage.3156


One thing that I personally think would be intresting to implement and I have thought about this in the past few games as well is to implement MOBA style pvp into a mmorpg setting. Such as going through the towers to destroy a main objective.

The positives of this stlye of gameplay are that it would allow for multiple builds and multiple roles and create a very new and intresting style of gameplay.

The Negatives are that it could go horribly wrong due to the inherint diffrences in traditional mmorpg pvp and moba pvp.

All in all it is just an intresting idea to be thrown around for a competative game mode that allows for diversity in character builds and a way to apply pressure to the other team, which this game lacks very much at the moment. Yes, you can capture points to put points on the board but as the OP stated that gets stagnent and easy to predict the winner. This also eliminates the problems of the bunker sure people could go play a bunker still and be effective and useful but would not break the game with their effectiveness.