Showing Posts For Katsky.4795:
I’m sat here at home (I live in a place called Skittenthorp, UK) supping on a glass of Kittenburns Port and having a good laugh at the idiocy being shown by the PC brigade and this stupid name censoring business. Currently reading a book about a famous British highwayman called Kitten Turpin inbetween watching reruns of the Kitten Van kitten show on TV.
I’m pretty sure you could find an obscene meaning to any english word in the multitude of other languages on this earth, so why not cut tothe quick and just ban english ?
90% (approx) of the complaints I’ve read on this forum abput the game can be distilled into one sentence.
“The game isn’t like WoW’.
Most of the other 10% are unrealistic expectations that the game is going to be as smooth running and issue free as games that have had several years development.
And as for this comment
“Just imagine how many people would not have left a month after release if the game would not have the large number of bugs, gameplay issues and various annoyances”
It could be applied to just about any MMO a few months after launch
Do you realise that you’ve broken the forum rules of conduct on 2 counts here ?
Theres already a thread on not only the same subject but the same name and bumping threads is also against the rules.
Expecting an answer within an hour at the weekend is totally unrealistic, as someone once said patience youg Padawan.
Oddly the forums don’t censor the word ‘Kessex’.
So I now need to find another place name that starts with a ‘K’ in order for the guild tag ‘KAT’ to actually be meaningful
So should I be reporting Anet to the relevent authorities and petition for the game to be given an 18 or adult rating ? Or should Kessex be renamed Keskitten ?
If that is the reason then Anet need to change something.
I’ve tried to create a guild called ‘Kessex Adventurers Trust’ but getting told the guild name contains innappropriate or not permitted words.
I’m at a bit of a loss as to what of the three words satisfy those conditions so was wondering if someone could perhaps tell me
I spent some time thinking of a name that would fit in with the GW2 world as opposed to something that has nothing at sall to do with the lore or world we play in.
Kessex is one of the geographical areas of the world.
Adventurers, because that’s what we are in the game
Trust, as in an organisation or group (you know. just like a guild).
I’m from the UK so maybe one of the words is US slang for something really awfull, whatever the reason, I’d really like to know what it is.
Respawn rates are totally crazy in some areas and do need to be looked at and revised for 2 reasons.
Firstly the obvious one so that when you clear an area to be able to interact with an item there you actually have time to do so.
Secondly, I’ve noticed that the areas with crazy fast respawn rates are where you’re likely to find the bots feasting on the mobs.
Reducing the respawn rates would hurt them more than it would hurt genuine players and a far better mechanism than the DR we’re seeing ATM.