Showing Highly Rated Posts By KazNaka.4718:

Sword Main-Hand Auto Big Problem in PvE

in Ranger

Posted by: KazNaka.4718


I think this is one of the most serious problem (yes problem) of the ranger, and it has existed since the game was released. People have shrugged it off as a “learn to play” issue when in reality, it’s much more disruptive than that.

I am talking about being rooted while doing the 2nd & 3rd strikes of the auto-chain of skill 1. You literally cannot do anything else other than swap weapons. This, for me, is a really bad design, and it is very disruptive when trying to dodge or use any other skills (you have to wait until the 3rd strike ends).

Just look at what they did with warrior’s hammer 3 & 4, ele’s lightning hammer 4. They made them cast-able while moving. Saying that being rooted and unable to cast a skill between sword’s 2nd & 3rd strikes is fine goes directly against ANet’s gameplay philosophy.

I am mostly talking about the PvE aspects of the problem. In PvE you need to be able to dodge on demand. You need to be able to cast important skills on demand. The root is adding extra delay and you often die because of it. The sword is the ONLY melee weapon that goes in one hand. What other choice do rangers have when wanting to melee with off-hand axe?